X-Ray Bag Design - Handbags Blog

xray_bagOften times, a really cool looking bag draws the attention of the unsavory - those that may want to take that which is tantalizingly hidden within. It’s the fact that the contents are invisible that makes the temptation so high! You might have a big wad of cash inside, or a stack of iPhones, a felt satchel of diamonds, or maybe a large gold brick!
Then again, maybe all you’ve got is a pack of gum, a ball of twine, a rubber-band, and a large caliber handgun. Sure, the potential risk is high on a mark like that, but the potential reward could be even higher!

We’ve got a solution - show the world exactly what you’re carrying, even if what you’re showing is only a reasonable facsimile. The X-Ray tote and shoulder bags, made of a space-age woven plastic fiber, appear to have been bombarded by X-rays, and have magically made your eyes sensitive to their reflection. It appears as though your stuff has gone through the security check at the airport (although, we highly recommend AGAINST carrying these through such a checkpoint as the NTSB, as a rule, has no sense of humor).

xray bag girlShow everyone your iPod, stack-o-benjamins, eye-drops, nail clippers, lollipop, sunglasses, and prescriptions as well as your pepper-spray, switchblade, brass knuckles and revolver. Maybe you’ve really got that stuff in your bag, but then again, maybe you don’t! The indecision will make any potential thief pause in confusion long enough for you to be out of sight and long gone. Who knew personal security could be had through the power of suggestion?

RHNJ Reunion: “I’ve never seen a bigger space on a couch.”

And that’s all she wrote, folks. Last night, we sent the ladies (and I use that term loosely) of Real Housewives of New Jersey off into the New Jersey Turnpike sunset, mewling and sneering and gnashing their teeth the entire way. Well, until that end that is. At the end there were hugs, and then a little extra gnashing for good measure.

Word is that the next season of this trainwreck of a show is set to start filming soon (yes, already), but before we see them come around again, it’s time to figure out what, if anything, we were able to learn from our Garden State girls during this debacle of a season. Since it’s more or less impossible to “recap” five four people yelling at each other with no narrative arc or plot, we’ll be breaking things down a little differently this time.