Make 300-400 gold an hour World of Warcraft wisp

Making 300-400g Per Hour

If you are a skinner you make even more gold.

In Winterspring where the elite dragons are you can make a lot of gold.

They have a pretty high drop rate of Mature Blue Dragon Sinew that sells for 300-400g depending on your server but on our server they sell for 300-400g. They also drop lots of grey that you can vendor for some g, and plenty greens to. If you don't already have 16 slots bags you will get yours there to.

We've got mostly Traveler's Backpack. That sells for 18-25g at AH, depending on your server (as always).

If you are a skinner you get a lot of rugged leather and blue dragonscales.
And they also drop silver from 14-20s, They are easy to kill solo also; we re playing a shaman with decent gear killing them with no problems.

Our exact amount of gold right now is 3759g

Hopefully this will help all those poor guys out there.

The droprate % of MBDS, check here: