I've been pretty focussed on sport hobbies and other projects with my brother lately and haven't had much time to spend letting my writing muse inspire me.
But, certain projects have reached a point that gives me a wee bit of rest and chance to get caught up here, and planning new %26#8220;tips and tricks%26#8221; entries.
A general update of my own playing toons is a good start, as I find it fun to look back in my own blog and remember where I was at certain stages and time periods.
Priest - Disc/Holy - at 51
Back in December was the last time I wrote about this toon, but like the Rogue I talk about below, she hasn't really levelled that much over the months, going from 44 to 51 since then.
Major Skills And Stats:
Jewelcrafting: 375/375
Tailoring: 356/375
Cooking: 360/375
First Aid: 360/375
Fishing: 221/225
Riding: 75/75
The priest has been great fun to play and has has levelled well whenever I join the LFG tool in the evening, but lately I've been spending more time in the city working on Jewelcrafting since I hit level 50. Getting from 300 to 350 JC took an investment of 20g or less to cycle through, but 350+ got expensive when I started to buy rare-cut recipes like Dazzling Talasite, Inscribed Noble Topaz, Balanced Nightseye, Bright Living Ruby, Subtle Living Ruby, Gleaming Dawnstone and Rigid Dawnstone. I've even picked up three meta recipes!
It's kinda fun to be one of the the ones in the guild with the most cuts, and especially to log into a level 51 alt to do all the cutting! I don't advertise my skills to non-guildmates, but I do offer to cut when I see someone on the Trade line looking for one I can do and offering a tip to get it done.
Rogue - Combat/Swords - at 58
Back in December was the last time I wrote about this toon, but she hasn't really advanced that much over the months, going from 52 to 58 since then.
Major Skills And Stats:
Engineering: 364/375
Mining: 313/375
Cooking: 365/375
First Aid: 325/375
Fishing: 230/300
Lockpicking: 285/290
Poisons: 285/290
Riding: 75/75
The rogue has levelled well enough but was skipped over in favor of my Priest's Jewelcrafting profession when it came to funnelling cash towards maxing out of professions. I've recently put more cash towards this one, however, and Engineering is now at 364. I also worked for a while on getting mining to 300 and have turned my attention to Fishing now and then, getting 10-15 levels over a couple of days then leaving it for a long while again.
Druid - Feral/Resto - at 30
I gave this toon's recent update back in December was the last time I wrote about this toon as well, and while I've leveled to 30 in the mean time, I decided to %26#8216;park' this toon and instead work on getting my Priest and Rogue up to level cap.
Major Skills And Stats:
Enchanting: 200/225
Skinning: 206/225
Cooking: 65/150
First Aid: 225/225
Fishing: 16/75
This druid got to 27 with a full Restoration spec and gear build, but on my way to 30 I respec'd to a Feral/Resto build and traded some favors with friends to help me get a second set of gear - one with lots of Intelligence and Spirit for healing, and a second with a lot of Agility and Strength for doing damage as a Kitty Druid. I carry both sets and regularly see groups in LFG looking for a role I could fill. But, I remain focused.
In the back of my mind I've wondered if I shouldn't replace Enchanting on my 70 Hunter and instead take up Leatherworking for crafting my own epic gear, so this toon is being advanced in Enchanting, even though she's got a long way to go to catch up. Funnelling green+ gear to disenchant hasn't been difficult at all, although I was surprised at how long Enchanting relies on Strange Dust and saw an opportunity for low-level profits there.
There's my lowbie toon update, I'll be writing again soon about the higher level stuff my level cap toons are doing.
Tags: Enchanting, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, Mining, Professions, Skinning, Tail