Weird Terrain Glitch in Tempest Keep Raid

Life's busy these days but whenever I have a free evening that coincides with a raid night within my guild, I sign up and bring along my extensive collection of consumables and a great attitude about doing my best no matter how many times we die or whether there's a chance of a gear upgrade on my part. My joy is not in progression, exactly, but in being able to do something cool when I actually have the time to go.

Terrain Glitch in Tempest Keep

In my guild that regularly fields 25-man raids in an evening, or breaks down into occasional multiple 10-man raids for badge runs on less-populated nights, we're currently working on the boss %26#8220;Al'ar%26#8221; when it comes to Tempest Keep. Of course, we've already downed Void Reaver multiple times as well, but recent raids had us putting up attempts on Al'ar and learning new strategies to beat her.

Terrain Glitch in Tempest Keep

In heading through the hallway which leads to Al'ar, there are some difficult pulls with Tempest Falconer humanoids and their swarms of Phoenix-Hawk Hatchling flying beasts... the beasts interrupt spells with a strong knock-back effect and are a major pain in the butt for a Mage who is trying to cast a channeled AOE spell to burn (or freeze, in my case) the flying beasties down.

I don't recall if this happened before, but this recent run I noticed that the knock-back effect was blasting me up onto the walls, and I believe after I got blasted up high enough, I was out of the range of the AOE knock-back effect and could Blizzard away quite freely.

Terrain Glitch in Tempest Keep

Unfortunately, between pulls I was to exit the hallway to let the tanks get aggro on the swarms before I joined in, and therefore I didn't stay up on the wall to test my theory about being out of range of the knock-backs.

Does anyone know?

And hey, I finally figured out how to highlight a certain portion of my pictures in a useful way - go me who isn't used to Photoshop at all... ;)

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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