Where To Buy The Frostwolf Howler Alterac Valley PvP Mount

I've had some comments over the past few months that had some great questions asked, but time got away from me and I haven't answered them yet.

Here's one of the more recent ones:

I dont know where to find the person who sells frostwolf mounts! Can someone tell me please?

- Bartil

About The Frostwolf Howler Mount

The Frostwolf Howler mount is a PvP-reward Epic Land Mount.

Requirements to ride the Frostwolf Howler are:

  • Level 60 or above

  • Trained Riding to 150 (this reward is only the mount, not the training)

  • Exalted with Frostwolf Clan (Alterac Valley PvP rep)

  • 50 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor to spend

Where To Find The Alterac Valley Rewards Vendor

It's an Alterac Valley rewards vendor that sells the Horn of the Frostwolf Howler to players who meet the criteria listed above, and those vendors found in the Alterac Mountains zone just north of Tarren Mills in the Hillsbrad Foothills.

He can be found at 62.59.

WoWGrrl's Video Walkthrough - Where To Buy The Frostwolf Howler

Yay for video!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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