Back With The Pirates Again - Frost AOE Grinding

I had a couple of hours last night to practice my Frost Mage AOE Grinding, so I continued on in Ferelas, starting with the 41-42 Wolves and Bears west of Camp Mojache and south of the main road.

Then, I saw some Hippogryphs and rounded up a few of them and AOE'd them down with minimal problem for a couple of rounds. At some point I noticed they were level 44 and 45s, just like the Pirates near Steamwheedle Port.

Sooo.... I headed over to Tanaris, planning to give the Pirate Cove a try with my still-very-rusty new strategy of group mow-downs.

The first two pulls worked wonderfully, and I downed 5-7 Pirates in each attempt.

Then things started to not go so well. I'd aggro too many mobs to handle their occasional beats, or I'd run/blink too close to another mob and aggro it while I was trying to Blizzard the group of guys far off, or I'd get snagged up on the terrain when trying to increase my distance for that 3rd Blizzard from afar.

One thing I'll say for the area is that it's CHOCK full of mobs in general and the respawn time seems to be pretty reasonable, so there's generally no worry about competition since there's enough to support up to 5 or so players in the area.

Especially when most of the players in the area AREN'T Frost Mage AOE grinding and instead are taking out two or three mobs at a time.

Now, if I could just get this working so I don't DIE so often, I could have those non-mages drooling in envy and maybe even sending me entertaining tells that I could talk about here!

But as it stands, I end up in a pile on the ground while my targets run back to their spots and heal up in a flash, and the folks around me are probably showing their envy by snickering instead of drooling.

I'll be sure to post when that has changed.