MMOFury Accepting Nominations for Fansite Awards

This is on our main page as well but it's so awesome I just had to post it here for you all as well.

The movie industry has the Oscars, television stars have the Emmy Awards, and musicians have the Grammys. And in the realm of gaming fansites, we have the MMOFury Top Fansite Awards. hosts this event twice a year to recognize fansites that show a devotion to the gaming community and give value to online gamers. Nominations will be accepted until Oct. 31, and the winners will be announced in the first week of November. Fans can recognize their favorite MMORPG-related site by e-mailing the URL and why they believe it deserves to be a Top Fansite Award winner to

MMOFury is even adding a new category, Top New Fansite, to give newcomers a chance to compete. For full information and rules, check out MMOFury's news post or keep reading below.

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The winners will be broken down into 3 main categories; the Top Fansites that feature 5 or less game titles, Top Multi-game (5 or more games) fansites, and Top New Fansite. From the 45 Top traditional fansites listed, we select 5 of them as the Overall Top 5.

Multi-game Fansites were broken into 3 sub-categories; informational, database, and community each filling an important need to the mmorpg community.

The Top New Fansite is a way for those with a fansite less than 30 days old to have a better chance of competing against longer running sites.

Winners will be announced during the first week of November.


No purchase required for entry. Void where prohibited. There is a maximum of two winning fansites for each game. Not all games will have a winning fansite.

Fansites that are not officially recognized or were found to violate traditional fansite rules upon our visit to them will not be considered for inclusion to these awards. An exception to this will be made for new fansites that have not yet had the time to receive official recognition.

We reserve the right to refuse any entry into our event, including removing any winning fansite if they cease to exist or are found in violation of traditional terms of agreements that are given by game publishers.


Q. Why do you hold this event?

A. To help reward those that invest countless hours (often for free) to help fellow gamers.

Q. Why do it twice per year?

A. 12 months is a really long time in the gaming industry. With so many new titles coming out, and new fansites launching, it only makes sense to run the event twice per year.

Q. I don't own a fansite, can I still nominate one?

A. Yes, of course!

Q. My fansite will not launch until a week before you announce the winners, can I still enter?

A. Absolutely. Infact, we think this is a great way for those to who are thinking about launching a fansite to do so and then submit it for consideration.

Q. How do I nominate a site?

A. Send an email to and include the url of the site and why you think it should win.

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