My Opinion Of The 2.1 "Looking For Group" Changes

The forums are alive ... with the sound of screaming.

Between the spam prevention measures (which are apparently disabled by default in your Interface Options and need to be enabled) and the Looking For Group channel, nevermind the class changes, etc, there's a lot of noise going on.

Personally, regarding the spam prevention, I opted to update my SpamMeNot addon instead of going with Blizzard's solution. The simple feature of blocking all level 1's from whispering me tends to spearhead the problem of spam in the first place, and, well, I'd like to let Blizzard get some "tweaking" done before I re-examine my choice.

Regarding the Looking For Group changes, however...

Personally, I like them.

The Good

Tonight, there were more people on the LFG channel advertising for more dungeons than I've seen since the LookingForGroup channel went underground. Also, while there was a wee bit of chat in there, it was largely one-sided, in that someone'd chat on the line and nobody would respond on that line. I'm sure that part will change, however.

The Bad

In order to even get into the LFG chat line, you have to list yourself in the LFG tool. In order to not get pestered when I'm really not looking to party, but am just interested in passively "surfing" the LFG line to see how it's going, I had to put myself up as being interested in a party in a zone (Stranglethorn Vale, for example), and hope there weren't too many people surfing that part of the LFM tool.

I didn't get a single whisper to party up, so I guess that works for now.

The Ugly

One thing I thought was "good for me to know" yet somewhat annoying to see going on, however, was the scenario of folks with poor reputations on the realm calling out more and more desperately for members for their dungeon parties. Realizing I'm preaching to the choir here, I'd like to state, still:

Using exclamation marks - especially more than one - makes you look like a crazy, desperate, demanding freakazoid who would be annoying to party with.

I found myself adding new people to my Karma addon, and knocking them down 10 points for their annoying behavior on the LFG line so if I ever get invited into a party they're trying to put together, I'll know to give 'em a try once, but if my suspicions are proven, politely decline future requests.

What No LFG Tool Will Ever Fix

It's unfortunate, but one thing that no amount of efforts Blizzard puts into the game will ever affect... is the fact that some people are socially inept enough that they are completely blind to how their behaviors are driving people AWAY instead of bringing people CLOSER.

Never will Blizzard be able to fix that in order to progress reliably within the "Massively Multiplayer Online game", each player needs to develop friendships with online strangers beyond just sharing a guild tag for under a month. That is, instead of expecting those "online strangers" to be more like NPCs on console games that can be assigned to your team to help you fight your encounters and get you loot. (too bad the thread about the raider who refused to farm and complained he didn't have enough cash to pay for daily repairs was deleted, it was golden)

And therefore, every night, I expect to see at least one person on the LFG line screaming out desperately, demanding someone join their level 12's RFC group, and eventually getting frustrated enough to lash out at the LFG tool either in-game on the line or on the forums.

At which point, they'll be insanely abused, and retreat back to the game to lick their wounds.

Only to "give it another go" another day, with equal fervor and equal frustration resulting. I wonder how many server re-rolls (for lowbies) or outright transfers (for more well-established players) result from this type of frustration?