The New Motorbike Mount

From the deta news, we have posted motorbike for many times. And it is is causing a few grumbles from some players. The obvious reason is the mount's looks. In a game with swords and magic, you don't expect a chopper motorcycle to zoom past, loud engine included. But generally, the mount seems very popular.

On the official forums, there are some other facts about it from the forum thread. Remember that this is still beta, and the vehicle is being tested, so any of these things might change:

It's Bind on Equip, and you don't need to be an engineer to use one of these mounts

It carries a passenger

Players cannot be dazed/dismounted from this mount. Not even be forced to dismount via polymorph

Players receive no fall damage in this thing. The motorcycle has its own hitpoints which eat fall damage then regenerate at a very fast rate. If you fall from a high enough distance to kill the motorcycle, you still jump out of it unharmed when it dies and you simply make a new one

The bike counts as a separate item when targeting, so it's hard to target people driving it

It can carry flags in Warsong Gulch

Do you like it? Seems from it appear, most of the friends didn't like. One of my friends said: %26quot;This better have some insane drawbacks apart from requiring sick/insane mats. This is just flat ridiculous. I do WSG once in a blue moon (probably less), but this is going to make me never touch WSG again. No dazed or forced dismounting in anyway? Everyone is going to have one of these. There's not going to be a horse (undead and living), chicken (mechanical or otherwise), or any other land mount used period.%26quot;