Official Warhammer WAR Online Thread

Official Warhammer WAR Online Thread

Greetings, all.

With the popularity of Warhammer: Age of Reckoning (WAR) Online, I've decided to create an official, master thread for the topic.

Please post here if you want to:

- Find other WFRP Forumites playing WAR

- Post your character/server information

- Announce/seek a Guild

- Discuss other aspects of WAR.


Right now I'm playing:

Server: Kislev

Faction: Order

Main Toons: Ironoath (Dwarf Ironbreaker), Marissa (Human Witch Hunter), Vitae (Human Warrior Priest)

Server: Mordheim

Faction: Destruction

Main Toons: Dimwit (Gobbo Shaman), Corruptor (Chaos Zealot)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mon, 2008 Sep 22, 10:51 AM (CDT)

Hi Folks,

I am reprinting my post from another thread that I started - in the wrong place. I was watching the thread from last week that was referencing Warhammer online. I was just wondering how it was going and if folks were happy with it. I played WoW for a bit (who hasn't) and I was curious to see if this was any better.

I was also curious to see if anyone was guilding - I would want to join one if I started playing and figured that the folks here are pretty decent - who better to play with?!

Oh, if folks could give me a bit of an idea of the strengths of each faction, what they play, and if there is any problems balancing Order/Chaos, that would rock. I had heard that Order was getting romped because everyone has gone to the Dark Side.


How the game is going?

Being possibly the worst person to answer this I'll try to do just that. Answer how it's going. For me. So this is all just my personal thinking. And all from the point of just one black orc character.

First of all - I'm a total newbie when it comes to this sort of games. I haven't played even WoW. Ofcourse I know it, have seen people playing it and now (or atleast I think I know) something of it as I'm a student of audiovisual media(art).

So it was quite a bit of shock that I found myself holding the game and cursing the name of Warhammer. I mean just add %26quot;warhammer%26quot; to it's name and I buy it. Sad for my vallet. Installed the game the same night and hopped into the boots of a black orc. And was totally confused. I have been playing computer games for ages but the whole system was little hard to grasp as it seems to be quite obvious that the games target audience is gamers who know what they are doing. But whatta heck! After I had slain my first 100 dwarfs I was right at home.

The Graphics are decent (nothing special in any way) but warhammerish enough that I have been taking screen captures to our RPG group for references sake. The gamesystem is quite simple (at least on the lower levels) but atleast it's quite easy to handle once you get to know it.

The main thing is that the feeling is there! One of the first things was to throw %26quot;mud%26quot; on dwarven statues to make them statues of Mork (or Gork?) and after that you had to bring beer to get the giant drunk enough to do his work. There's a lot of stupid little things like small re-spawn gaps for %26quot;monsters%26quot; and dwarfs in barrels (I actually got an impression that dwarf reproduce in barrels... ) but mostly it's quite good %26quot;dark and gritty%26quot;-stuff.

Especially when you go to the RvR-gounds. I got myself killed instantly. A couple of times. Before I got realised I still need to pump-up and get some levels. As I told this to one of my friends he complained about it but agreed as I asked how it usually goes in combats of WFRP. PCs get killed before the learn how to fight.

All in all - not %26quot;the best game ever%26quot; but entertaining enough. For me atleast.

Hope to hear about other players and how they're seeing the game.

I am enjoying it quite a bit.

I played a lot of WoW, probably 300+ hours worth all said and done.

WAR does incorporate some features from WoW, but it still has a lot of stuff to make it unique.

I particularly enjoy the Public Quests, which don't require a group or party or even picking up the right Quest from a certain person -- as you wander the regions, you may stumble into a large Public Quest that any and all can participate in. So far, that's been my favorite element.

Some of the character abilities are also pretty neat. I like the Ironbreaker Grudge (while it mechanically feels like Rage Points from WoW at the moment, it feels thematic and works well for the archetype).

But my favorite class ability is without a doubt the WAAAAGH!! of the Goblin Shamans... Your offensive spells raise your Mork (defensive spell) meter, while defensive spells raise your Gork (offensive spell) meter... The higher the meter, the more effective those types of spells are. To optimize play, you find yourself swapping back and forth between offense and defense to appease Gork n' Mork. Which feels both very thematic and is quite fun and interesting in application.

The regions and realms are pretty, detailed and so far very different. I think the best visual effects I've run into so far have got to be for Chaos... the starting area and ability effects are moody, dark and very well done. The mutations on your marauders or the dark spells of the zealots. Very evocative.

I'm having a lot of fun just running around willy nilly right now, but I can really see how the game would shine (as most MMOs do) with a solid guild and group of buddies to romp around with.