Pondering Where To Put My Toons (leader vs follower)

One day I'll accept this, find my spot, and revel in it.

My challenge? Over time, in whatever I do, I tend to "settle into" a leadership position, where people look to me to start/continue/deal with things.

It doesn't start out that way of course, because when I start something new, I'm a complete stranger and have to "earn respect" from other people around me. Over time, however, the dynamic changes to where I'm looking to others to get my questions answered/help me reach my goals, to where I'm the one being looked to by others.

Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.

Right now, I'm struggling with it on a few different fronts in my life, including online while playing World of Warcraft as an Officer in my uber-casual guild.

You see, I don't mind leading in general, but it _does_ bother me that so many people default to "following" instead of "leading". It further bothers me that I cannot be like them, able to find someone to follow whose lead is respectable and reliable.

I've been thinking, however, about the wonderful part of this problem as it relates to World of Warcraft and alt-o-holics like me:

In the game, I can have multiple personalities, multiple personas, and "lead multiple lives".

I'm wondering if I should take a toon or two out of the uber-casual guild and put them into a levelling guild that is competently run by an Officer's team that's been in place for more than 6 months, and uses some type of scheduling tool for "old world" dungeons, and eventually Outlands. This way, I could have toons that I specifically behave as a "follower" to augment the toons I have where I already behave as a guild organizer and leader type.

It sure would be nice to log in, check out the scheduled runs, sign up for the ones I can make, then be one of those reliable folk who turn up on time, repaired, with consumables and a clear inventory, standing at the instance door, ready to go, and open to learning and suggestion from the class and party leaders. Exactly what every leader hopes for.

Do you have your toons all in one guild, or are they split around various guilds? If they are split, why did you split them that way?