While every gamer's preferences are different, it's safe to say that most players spend a majority of their time questing in World of Warcraft. Most people will quest for either the lore, the gear, the gold, or simply the experience points, but when Wrath of the Lich King hits stores on Nov. 13, there will be another reason: the Loremaster achievements.
In this thread on the Official Wrath of the Lich King Beta forum, players were discussing the difficulty of clearing the large amount of old world quests required for the Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms achievements. In response, Blizzard poster Tigole shared today the decreased numbers that will most likely be implemented in two beta builds from now.
In total, the Alliance requirement will drop by 75 quests, while the Horde requirement will be lowered by 45 quests. Keep reading for more details.
Here's Tigole's new numbers :
Eastern Kingdoms: 550
Kalmidor: 700
Eastern Kingdoms: 700
Kalimdor: 730
Originally, Alliance needed 740 Eastern Kingdoms quests and 765 Kalimdor quests, while Horde needed 580 Eastern Kingdoms quests and 715 Kalimdor quests. The means the new quest total for Alliance is 1430, and Horde's new total is 1250. That's a difference of 180 quests. I guess it pays to play Horde in this regard.
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