US Herald-Addition Hot Fix

From the Hot Fix category we have: Addition Hot Fix - 10/24/08



We have an additional Hot Fix for today, thank you!

Combat and Careers


Chaotic Rift: This ability will no longer effect an unlimited number of players, and follows the same target restrictions shared by all other Area of Effect spells

What are the same target restrictions shared by all other AoE spells

I'd like to know as well.

And what about Electromagnet for Engineer?

Sweet. Let's nerf the Magi's one redeeming quality! Heh, oh well.

I can only assume that Electromagnet would be included in this as well, but who knows.

Ill toss up that i want to know this to.

According to the post its a certain amount of players, i still dont understand why they wont say %26quot;it effects 20? players only or 10.%26quot;