warhammer online Elven Careers?

ok well i have looked and looked all over the fourms for elf only careers i remember there were a few on the old BI fourms. Can anyone point me in the right direction. i am looking for something along the lines of waywatcher or warhawk rider.

wolf42 got together a collection of unofficial careers called the Tome of Unofficial Careers. I believe it is on strike-to-stun.net for download. Check that out.

well i looking more for advanced careers past kithband warrior i guess i should have made that more clear im new to posting on the fourms so i forget to be as detailed as possible

Assuming you are looking for actual %26quot;Waywatcher%26quot; and %26quot;Warhawk Rider%26quot; careers, that where posted on a Prior forum. I cannot locate a current version of them.

The various articles on elves at Critical Hit shoud be helpful and contain a number of careers. They were statted for first edition WFRP last I looked but should be easy enough to convert.