We have been lamenting over attempting to find the perfect beach bag. Do you spend $50 or $500,vitton, do you get a designer bag or kick-around-bag? It comes down to personal preference and what kind of use the handbag in question will get. What I advise is buying a bag that is in your comfort zone price wise and will perform the task you are looking for.
The Coach Beach Collection is worth checking out, with items illustrated by Pierre Le-Tan, known for his whimsical style and keen eye for color. While the actual beach bags that I would opt for in this collection still cost around $250, they are illustrated beautifully and have the perfect beach feel to them. As far as the illustrated canvas bags go, there is a seahorse, cabana, and umbrella theme. To be perfectly honest, I am having a hard time knowing which I like most. All I can picture is one of these totes, cut off shorts, a tee, my bikini, sunglasses, and a hat. Typical beach wear accessorized by the perfectly cute and fitting beach tote. Each canvas illustrated beach tote is $268 at Coach.
There is also a tote, dubbed the Coach Beach Leather Large Tote, which I adore the shape of. There are light color options available, like cream and seafoam,louie vitton, on a classy and clean design. The inside features stripped lining which we all know is ubiquitous with summer. Coach may release a younger-suited Poppy line but they continue to produce higher end leather lines which are doing well for them. This tote is an example of that,laptop notebook battery, and truly, a beautiful bag. Buy for $598 via Coach.
While every Coach line is not for me, this line is perfectly suited for its purpose and puts a huge smile on my face. Items are selling out fast, so check out more of the Coach Beach Shop here.