Three’s a trend Judith Leiber debuts striped mother of pearl – PurseBlog

When we talked about the Louis Vuitton and Lanvin striped mother of pearl clutches last week,n61202, I still partly believed that the similarities of the two evening bags were a coincidence – after all, two bags does not a trend make. Three bags do,designer purses, however, and that’s exactly what this Judith Leiber Resort 2011 is: a sign of a burgeoning trend.

The method of inlaying more closely resembles the Louis Vuitton, as does the diagonal inlay, while the color choice is more similar to the Lanvin. The major difference is that the bag is framed with gold, which unfortunately gives me flashbacks to the 80s – as a result, this clutch is my least favorite of the three.

This design doesn’t work as well as either of the previous clutches – it’s all Dynasty without much of the winking charm of a retro update,louie vitton, mostly because there’s little “update” to be found. Leiber is usually a master of the evening bag, but you’d be better suited to go with either the Louis Vuitton or Lanvin versions of this trend.

Price and release information are not yet available. Pictures via Women’s Wear Daily.

Shop Judith Leiber via Net-a-Porter!
