Louis Vuitton Beach Towel


By stefaniewhite, October 29, 2009 2:55 am


louie vaton

I have heard towel, bath towel and kitchen towel, but beach towel, are you serious? Do you mean the towel made of cotton or fabric to be put on the beach suffering the high temperature, people’s weight, continuous sweating, and the beach sand? Dear me, it must be a tough task to clean the beach towel.

luis vitton

Hey, Louis Vuitton, it’s you again. I have already admitted you are Mr. Omnipotent, but you seems to always enjoy the showing off that you are capable enough. Yup, this piece of beach towel is indeed lovely and sweet, I like the combination of pink and crimson very much. Wait, are you insane? $ 450 for a piece of beach towel…you gotta be kidding me!!! Do you know how much money and manpower will cost me on cleaning this expensive towel? And don’t you know you are so big a name that everybody want to own you by hook or by crook?

Well, if having the chance to go to the beach, I do not want bring Mr. Trouble along with me. I only wanna switch off to enjoy the sunshine and the clear sea wind, and my eyes are only needed to focus on the beautiful beach scene not watch out for this beach towel all the time…Sorry, your beach towel are too precious to purchase…