Things That I Find Entertaining

I've been doing a bunch of AFKing on World of Warcraft lately, while I work in another window typing something out or editting some video or still frame I had recently taken...

While I've been doing my thing in the other window, occasionally interesting things happen in WoW and I come back to it on my screen in time to take a screenshot.

Entertaining Photo #1: What Does AFK Mean To You?

What Does AFK Mean To You?

Don't even ask me about the character name I chose here... I just needed to log in and watch the Video Compressing window do its thing before I closed out of WoW to do editting on yet another video.

So, I logged in a brand new character and moved it away from the starting spot and then proceeded to AFK. I guess to this guy, AFK just means %26#8220;don't just duel, send an invite, too%26#8221;.

Entertaining Photo #2: Quick Shutdown After Restart

I do find it entertaining that even though there isn't a patch/code update that we players have to download, there are times when extra shutdowns/restarts are needed after the Maintenance day, in order for everything to get back to running smoothly again.

Quick Shutdowns Sometimes Inevitable

Is it the sudden onslaught of pressure on the various servers as everyone re-logs in and stresses a lot of the same systems what's causing it? (authentication is the first to mind, but once I'm already logged in, those problems cannot be seen by me anymore)

At any rate, sometimes Admins starting shutdowns can't give you the full 15 minutes warning they'd like to before it goes down, and this past Tuesday was one of those days on Zul'jin.

Entertaining Photo #3: Ursius The Evasive

Ursius sought me out while I sat, AFK, on my Frostwolf Howler mount after I had taken some winter-scene pictures that I ended up not even using in my wee video about the Frostwolf Howler and where to find its vendor in the Alterac Mountains.

Killing Ursius In Winterspring

Ursius, the named bear in Winterspring, just HAPPENED to stumble across me when I AFK'd on a hill still within sight of the town of Everlook.

Ursius, who I hunted and hunted and hunted for, using Beast tracking even, to help my friend take him down for that stupid Winterspring quest.

Ursius, who we NEVER FOUND when we were actively tracking and exploring for him.

I find such ironicisms highly entertaining.

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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