Are we paying $14.99 a month to play scenarios?Page 2

I enjoy them, stated before, for the time factor. They are very convenient.

One thing that i agree with is the first part.

About Mythic can't do a thing.

I'll ask you about 1 thing here:

What is the benefit of taking a keep?

If it's about moving the state of RVR then it's not good because people would want something that have more direct %26amp; fast effect or an effect that will affect them directly.

If it's about PQ loot i can't replay because i'm talking about RVR not PVE

Hopefully, the creaters of MMO's will eventually figure out how to make oRvR more attractive for players. I'm glad that scenarios are making some people happy. I want something deeper though.

I wish keeps had a reason to exist. If they guarded precious resources than that would make more sense. We can use these resources for our professions. If we own the keep then we have a stockpile of these resources. NPC's will deliver resources between keeps, war camps, and cities. If a resource keep is owned by the Order realm then order npcs will deliver resources using their delivery routes. If a resource keep is owned by the Destruction realm then destruction npcs will deliver resources using their deliver routes. This kind of system would affect the economy of the game.

Of course this could get very one-sided pretty quick, but there are ways to help the underdog. First of all small teams can disrupt the delivery routes. Success gives everyone on the underdog side a temporary buff. This helps take a keep. Taking a keep also gives a temporary buff.

There are ways to make oRvR work and make it more emmersive and more fun. How many times can taking a keep for keeps-sake (tee hee) be fun? Now if controlling keeps affects other aspects of the world, such as the economy, well then you really got something.

My point exactly toughnut.

In lineage 2 taking a castle affected the economy on the whole server.

Sure thing they can do something like this here but be balanced because of how destro. out number order.

yea it'd be nice if they never had scenarios in teh game--at least hten the world wouldn't be so damn empty.

Yeah it's a game that is trying so hard to cater to casual players. It's a major disappointment to the hardcore pvpers in this game. I wish there was a casual server for people htat love scenarios, and a hardcore server that was mainly world pvp :P Not tryin to be offensive here....just sayin it's a major problem for anyone that loves to world pvp when there're barely any people to fight--instanced combat is never a good idea for a world pvp game (at least at hte max lvl/tier)

It is not the players fault that Open RvR is a bust.

The chat system which would allow for players to coordinate is not adequate.

This means only large guilds can get enough people together to accomplish anything meaningful even with the Alliance feature.

Population issues on the servers is not being addressed fast enough.

This is causing player to not find a rewarding Open RvR experience which in turn causes them to assume rightly or wrongly that the current system does not allow for anything other than aimless wandering for hours looking for 20 mins of battles.

Too many players are giving Mythic a pass on solving these issues in a timely fashion. Without fixing these two issues soon, existing and future player expectations will have been set and the game will go the way of Age of Conan.

People don't like scenarios with scoreboards?

Look at the sucess of Counterstrike, or a more apt comparison would be to Team Fortress 2. Both hugely successful scenario based games.

It is this audience that Mythic is trying to reach. And doing so quite ablely.

For all the people that complain there is never anything to do in ORVR, that has far more to do with server size than game design.

Most servers only have 1000 players. This is not NEARLY enough to support a very busy ORVR.

The top servers have 4000 players. If all of the smaller servers were merged in sets of 4, you would see a huge boost in ORVR.

open rvr gives little to no reward compared to scenario's, at the moment there is no real incentive for people to do anything but scenario's since they have the best reward to time spent ratio. they give large exp boost which will always make people want to play them instead of open rvr, unless they fix the rewards for the time spend there.

for exsample, keep takes loot system operates like PQ, except u could be hammering at a keep for anywhere from 30 mins to 4+ hours depending on number of attacker / defenders.

now the flaw i see here is there is no real incentive past battering the opposition into submission, since, A: the exp and renown are on diminishing returns making long battle more and more fruitlessthe longe rit goes on; B: there is not enough rewards for large scale attacks.

how do we fix this? for starters remove the diminishing returns and increase the exp gained while in party and warband comparatively, more people your grouped with u get a higher exp multiplier. that solves the scenario's giving more exp, with someone number crunching it could be balanced quite easily i imagine. so one would not be more exp productive than the other.

as for rewards, keep takes loot table should be increased the longer a keep take is underway, starting at maybe 45 mins -1 hour, bags able to be rolled on should increase in rarity and volume depending on how long the thing lasts. so say a 1 hour keep take spawn 1 blue bag 6 green, a 2 or 3 hour keeptake would be guaranteed to spawn 1-2 purple 2-3 blue and say 10 green and increasing in increments the longer it takes.

this would increase the interest in ORvR probably 10 fold since there is more than just exp available, motivating people to start it and stay in participation until the end.

just what i think should be done to rectify the situation.

lets see what mythic comes up with

It has nothing to do with being casual or hardcore.

These days people are just interested in me, me, me, me and more me. Getting their character(s) to max level as quickly as possible.

And then when they reach the end, they come to the forums complaining how boring the game is and that there is nothing to do.

Well duh... they skipped the whole game, missed 99,99% of the Tome Unlocks they could have achieved by playing the actual game outside scenarios and have no clue about what world RvR is about. Not to mention they missed out on some great loot to be had through PQ's and PVE as well.

People now already start to complain only one scenario in each tier pops frequently and how it is boring doing them a couple hundred times to level.

I mean, you could do something else in the game you know.