Priest Hits 35, Advances Tailoring, Jewelcrafting

My Undead Priest toon hit 35 this past weekend, after trading favors with another alt-o-holic in our guild and finishing off all the RFK quests I still had in my book.

Note: About 10 BOE greens dropped during that run, whereas whenever I farmed that instance without a level-appropriate toon in the party with me, I came out with only one or two BOE drops to sell/use with alts, and a lot of BOPs from the bosses that I could only sell or disenchant. Moral of the story? When farming lowbie instances, bring a lowbie friend with you and you'll probably still get more loot than if you ran the instance on your own.

So, now that she's 35, life is about "running around" for a while, as I level my Jewelcrafting and Tailoring skills as a focus, with levelling Cooking and First Aid coming along afterwards.

I've got my Tailoring and Jewelcrafting both up to 280 already, but things are slowing way down, now, because materials aren't so easy to buy up and process in bulk like they were prior to 280.

My Costs Associated With Powerlevelling Tailoring, Jewelcrafting

I'm one of those types of players who didn't blast through my professions the first time around, but now that I've got a family of alts that cover almost all of the professions, plus a couple of bank toons to store professions materials that will be needed in the future, I tend to park my new-to-20 or new-to-35 toon in a city near a mailbox for a week or two after they hit that mark, specifically to power through profession levels to max it out quickly.

One of my bank toons is for storage, while the other is the "central selling funnel" for goods I pick up or create on my play toons, and by continuously using my selling bank toon to keep things like recipes and uncommon+ drops cycling through the Auction House listings every day, every time I log in to play for a few hours.

The result of this always-selling-things bank toon is that when I need cash, the cash is already available and all I have to do is mail it to the correct character.

Also, another result is that when I hit 20 or 35 and can level my professions again, I can visit the Auction House every day and buy up materials that are being sold cheaply compared to the "average sell price", instead of having to farm for all of my materials on my own.

So, over the last three or four days, I've been hitting the Auction House and buying stacks of Runecloth
Trade Goods
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Runecloth when they're under 2g50s a stack, Thorium Ore
Trade Goods
Requires Jewelcrafting (250)
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Thorium Ore and Thorium Bar
Trade Goods
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Thorium Bar that are under 15g a stack. I've also purchased a bunch of Aquamarine
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Aquamarine when I can find them for under 1g each as well.

I've spent about 300g so far, I'd estimate.

Processing The Materials, Processing The Results

Then, I mail the mats to my Priest, and some time later process through them. Now that I'm making equipment for level 45 and beyond, I send all of the Tailored items to my 63 Hunter who is an Enchanter, to disenchant. I send some of my Jewelcrafted items over to the Enchanter as well, but only things that look like they'd have to be listed under 2g or so in order to sell.

I've been able to create some blue rings in Jewelcrafting that certainly helped defer some of the material-purchasing costs I've been incurring... some sell for 10-15g despite the novelty of Jewelcrafting and the fact that many people are still advancing it and the sheer number of Jewelcrafted items available is high right now.

Supporting My Own Toons

I do, of course, review each of the things that I make, and send one over to an alt when it looks like something in particular would be useful over there. Adding the MP5 (mana restored every 5 seconds) crown, rings and necklaces will certainly help my Mage when he gets high enough level to use them all, and any trinket or ring or necklace that helps a lowbie toon get into the "more interesting" levels that are beyond 25 is pretty great, too.

But, for the most part, I disenchant what I create so I can get my other toons all 'chanted up in the near future, again trading favors with another alt-o-holic in my guild. Perhaps this weekend I will begin preparations for the 'chantfest!