The run on the accounts page is not good news

VEEEEERY coincindental that the day the accounts webpage slows down or actually crashes is the same day that anyone who signed up the day the game was released had their accounts come up for automatic renewal. Or basically the day that all the free months ended for everyone who signed up on day one.

But very clever as to how they tell you in the herald/explanation post that %26quot;if you are resuscribing hit it just once%26quot; or soemthign to that effect. Not %26quot;if you are trying to cancel%26quot;. Obivously it is marketting and spin 101. But I don't see why people would ned to resubscribe since it is automatic. Unless they already unsubscribed before the free month was up. Which doesnt make sense.

I always cancel my sub after I re-sub, I am sure I am not the one one.

I would rather re-enter it than forget I have it on automatic renewal.