Unwanted Attention

[note, this isn't written to any of my readers. I'm just ranting about a dumb situation that's been going on in my guild over the past month]

Yes, I know, you think I'm cool, and you think I'm probably sexy in real life.

And yes, I'm a female IRL.

No, I don't want an online boyfriend.

No, I'm not interested in you "that way".

I'm not really interested in talking about what kind of men I like.

Sorry, I know you like me, but I'm just "not feeling it" for you.

Please stop asking me personal questions, as it makes me feel uncomfortable.

[insert fellow Guild Officer name], could you please talk to [Young Guildie Feeling Distraught Over Being Told To Back Off], after all this, now he's (being an attention hound and) making comments on the guild line about how crappy his life is and how people would also be unhappy if they had his life. He needs to talk to someone but it can't be me, because he's severely seeking my attention.

[Hearing From Veteran Guildmate] YoungGuildie says you don't like him.

[To Veteran Guildmate] Yah well, the guy has a crush on me and I had to tell him to back off from getting too personal with me.


Stop it, just stop it.

Why is it that one of the "probationary"/initiate things I have to deal with as a Female Guild Officer is voting "yay" or "nay" on new recruits based on whether they "fall in love" with me and won't stop being sickeningly sweet or outright flirtatious (on the guild/raid/party line plus in whispers) with me even after I've 1) laughed it off and said I was just here to play and not find a boyfriend, then 2) begun to outright ignore/not respond to their comments/flirtations at all, then 3) told them I was uncomfortable with the comments/flirtation, then 4) had to be subjected to their "depressed" mood afterwards, and 5) them talking to other guildmates unaware of the whole situation and saying that I "hate/don't like" them?

Oh wait, I know, because my fellow guild leader and I haven't figured out "you get booted when you..." rules for probationary members.

I'm getting the feeling that I'm going to have to be less nice on this topic, since I'm really and truly not looking for a new boyfriend via World of Warcraft. I mean, yes, in our small, casual guild we do talk about Real Life things periodically, but that doesn't mean I'm looking to get into a conversation about love with anyone.

Plus, man, it looks really bad when you're brown-nosing a guildmate you're obviously crushing on. You think you're being nice and complimentary, when really, you're making a lot of people think "it's a game, if you want a girlfriend, go outside and meet some flesh-and-blood girls".

And no, I don't want to party with you, even if you "promise to be good". You've used up all my charity with your endless come-ons.