Turning Cold; "Run-through's? Get Lost"

Yesterday, I had an ex-guildmate message me.

Our guild used to be a strong levelling guild, and as usual for guilds that have a lot of lowbies, we had a lot of twink wannabees who drained nearly all of our high-levels' "helping energy" by asking for endless run-throughs of lowbie dungeons.

Then, we started to clean things up, and either booted or encouraged twinkers without high level toons to trade off favors with, to leave the guild.

From what I recall, that was a year ago we made that change.

So, this ex-guildie messages me and has the half-brains enough to first of all, tell me that he and his brother are looking for a guild to "run them through WC" when I ask him what he's looking for in a guild when he inquires about re-joining. After I had told him about our casual, 30+ year olds status and how we don't do dungeon runs with guildmates hardly at all.

So, I politely say "no, sorry, our guild doesn't do run-throughs" and Mr. Stupid responds back:

"so, if you have some time now, could you run us thru then?"

My response:

"no, sorry"

/ignore ex-guildie

He then proceeds to hop on an alt to message me further. Thankfully I have WIM set up to filter out tells to a seperate window that doesn't pop open when I'm in battle - I actually have to click to see the message when I'm ready for it.

I didn't even bother to look at the message. I'm way too cynical and cold to give a rat's ass about individuals who talk to me looking for handouts as our first interaction in months, if ever.

I logged out, hopped on an alt, and made sure to blacklist the ex-guildmate to the few others who /ginvite within our guild.

Later on, I logged back in to /ignore the other alt he whispered me from, but found that alt (his lvl 35 or so that might actually be able to trade favors for twinking his lowbie) has been deleted.

Ex-guildies looking for handouts are worse than the random lowbies asking for run-through's in cities, because they also expect that you "liked" them since they were in your guild in the past.

Pixels, my friend. That's all 99.9999999% of you are to me on this game. And the odds that you'd be in that 0.0000001% of whom I think more of than "get out of my way, please?" is ... well, pretty damned low.

I'd say that it's at negative numbers, and you've got lots of out-of-hole climbing to do if you ask me for a run-through without first having lent my character some type of help in her time of need.

PS: Hey, I think I'm feeling crochety these days. What do you think? ;)