War Crimes in World of Warcraft

One thing that I both like and am similarly appalled at in World of Warcraft, aside from all the stupidity of humanity which is a given, are the "world of warcraft, that's kinda mean" things that the game promotes.

I mean, if one really paid attention to the storyline of some of the quests, you might find yourself disturbed at the fact that those 20 Courser Eyes, 5 Twilight Whiskers, 5 Stonetalon Sap and the lone Fey Dragon Scale you collected for Witch Doctor Jin'Zil in Stonetalon is used to poison all of the humanoid prisoners he has locked up in tiny little cages, killing them.

And of course, there's the poor little Gnome held captive by a Troll in the Horde town of Zib'ajin, whose sole job other than repairing Horde player equipment is to get repeatedly kicked and smacked by his Troll oppressor.

I mean, I understand this stuff happens in conflict situations and between factions that are warring against each other... especially if they're warring without heeding "ethical guidelines to avoid war crimes". I just find it mildly amusing that "out there in the world", many people wish to push Utopian ideals onto everything, yet the media we're continually exposed to at all ages points out that Utopia is just an idea to strive for, but that our natures will likely prevent us from getting there.

I haven't decided what particular event on Warcraft is my "most enjoyed" or "most hated" war crime quest.

Have you?