warhammer Squig Herders Pt2

Simple question.

Can anyone tell me how the Squid Herder performs after rank 30?

I love this guy and am wondering if he will hold his own in PvP. Melee classes get in on him and he is toast unless he can stop them.

Does the Squig become god like at 40? or is it purely the Herder that is the prime damager. Mainly because I wonder if the Squig will be used as much at rank 40 because the Herder will be lobbing arrows in from afar that the squig is just a companion.

Again I am totally clueless here and wondering if he is worth takiing to 40 and beyond.

It's fun as holy frikkin' fun!! And yeah handles great in PvP.

Remember, each Squig offers a different buff, so even though you may not be using the Squig for offense in a keep battle, for example, the buffs are nice!

How is his range damage or is he for buffs?

So in Keep battles he ranges. does his bow damage comparer to say the

engineers and his turret?

SH is ranged DPS with a mobile pet, the Engineer is ranged DPS with a static pet. To compare the damage isn't going to work out. It's how the career plays. It's not that black and white anymore. You can't just make flat out damage comparisons with W.A.R.

I once killed a Rank 18 White Lion with a Horned Squig out. (I'm rank 12) I'm so happy that I can destroy things in PvP with so many levels between us.

Decided on this char last day of head start and i LOVE IT!!! i may only got it to lvl 5 but i just love it

I'm guessing all range dps can destroy melee if they kite them around.

Don't the SH have a snareshot? (hint hint)