Offensive Target of Target

Please do NOT add an offensive target of target. Defensive is understandable. An enemy player should not be able to divine my thoughts and tell who I am targeting. This is extremely important for ranged classes. I hated this aspect of WoW, and I really hope it doesnt make it here.

i see your point, but even in real life sports, defenses can read offensive intentions. Watch the eyes or body position. but yeah, i do agree with you in part with ranged.

Awesome Awesome Awesome move Mythic. Target of target is a tool that will further evolve a PVP game into one that is more based on player skill. Good teams will be able to use it to their advantage and great teams will use it to catapault themselves into the stratosphere. Holding a game back in a silly way to make sure it's not like WoW is a terrible idea. Keep on improving Mythic, I'm glad to know you're listening to reason and your reasonable fans!

I'm with you on this. I'm really hoping the ToT mentioned in the State of the Game is purely ally based.

Wouldn't a (relatively) easy solution be to add an offensive ToT - but to make it tactic based? (ie, you only get to see offensive ToT if you have the specific tactic active)

Lets people choose it for the tactical advantage, but requires them to make a sacrifice to do so.

Can't wait until we get Target of Target/ Enemy Cast Bars//Proximo/and more so the game can play itself for me, and I don't even have to think. I'm a low skill player, all these crutches are totally awesome, now the people who actually pay attention and understand the game don't have an advantage, YES! Also, can you add some sweet automated casting stuff for me, having to keybind is so lame.

I think it's necessary. Part of the difficulty of playing a healer in Warhammer is that outside morale abilities, many healing classes really lack anything in terms of reactionary tools to react to burst damage. If I had more adequate tools to deal with burst damage, I might agree with you, but as is, the only way to effectively counter some of the burst in this game is to either have psychic powers, or for offensive target of target to be implemented, so that I can get my HoT effects rolling a second or two sooner, thus giving the target half a prayer against burst.

Well bad players are bad players, no matter how many tools they're given. But the better players are the ones that really shine when there are more tactical tools available in the game. It'd simultaneously raise the skill cap as well as make the game more accessible and intuitive to the players. I'm not sure how having more information to look at is the game %26quot;playing itself for you%26quot;, but I do know that bad players are always looking for more ways to hide themselves in the zerg.