Warrior Hating The 50s…

My Warrior is sitting at level 57 and ... just sitting there.

Half of my quest log is BRD and BRS quests, I think I should just ditch them, as I don't have enough interest in seriously doing much in the way of PUGs, and I'd probably be better picking up some green quests from areas i skipped over.

Farming is definitely a lot more painful with this toon as well - I'm not sure if it's just because I've got a 60+ Hunter I'm comparing it to, or if it's because I'm too far into Protection spec for my own good and that's finally coming to light after all these levels.

So, maybe I should go Fury again, with some basics in Prot (like, Tactical Mastery for stance dancing) and just worry about the whole solo game. My personality and play style doesn't lean towards being much of a reliable Tank type anyway.

That having been said, I'm quite enjoying the 40s with my Mage, and he's coming along quite well, approaching 44. My Priest, however, is still sitting at 35, however - again, soloing isn't as effective or fun on this toon as it is with my Mage and Hunter.

I guess that's to be expected...