Big Sale! Massive Blowout! We're Overstocked!

A couple of entries ago, I talked about my recent go at bank cleaning for all of my toons.

Well, I'm still not completely cleaned up from that effort. My 63 Hunter Enchanter is still overloaded with Enchanting mats, my 42 Hunter Alchemist has way too many herbs laying around, and my storage Bank toon is a complete, disorganized mess who still has over 50 items sitting in the mailbox that she can't take out because she's out of room.

So, this afternoon when I get home from work, after I log into my AH bank toon to re-cycle my listings and add cash to my coffers from things that sold from last night's listings, I'm going to do some serious housecleaning on my storage bank toon and my 63 Hunter Enchanter. At the end of this evening, there are going to be a lot of auctions up in the Horde-side Zul'jin Auction House from yours truly.

Actually, last night I started the process of Auctioning off things from my storage bank toon, so this afternoon when I login, I expect there'll be some nice cash in the mail for me to pick up. Thankfully newest stuff appears at the beginning of your mail list and not at the end, or I wouldn't be picking up that cash until I auction off more things and can get more stuff out of the mail.

Oh, so yah, for those who don't do this mass-mail thing, the mailbox shows a maximum of 50 messages at a time, and until you remove/delete/deal with some of those items, you can't see what's "after" it in the mailbox. When I'm doing bank and bag maintenance, sometimes I'll have 150-250 items sent to my bank toons, which means a lot of trips between the Bank, the Mailbox and the Auction House on that bank toon.

It's all worth it, tho - my main toons don't have to go into the cities except to train up professions and class skills, and it's a huge load off my mind in planning my travels and questing routes.

At any rate, I'm sure I have at least 300g worth of stuff to put up for sale tonight. And while I generally hesitate to let on how much total cash I have as a way to avoid being begged/tempting the hacker fates, I feel proud in stating that my coffers will top 2.5k gold with my estimated sales.

Back here at the end of January is the last time I talked about the cash I had, and it was right after I drained all I had from all of my toons in order to powerlevel my Blacksmithing Warrior through the mid-200s Armorsmithing quests that need insane amounts of Mithril.

Since then, I have, however, talked about my "first 500g+ purchase" where I bought my Epic Land Mount for my Hunter, two weeks into February... and of course there's the entry mentioning some of the costs associated with powerlevelling Jewelcrafting and Tailoring to 280 as well.

So all in all, despite my powerlevelling and (semi-)expensive Mount training, I'm still doing quite well in the cash department.

Power to the Forsaken! (pumps arms)