Bank Cleaning, Levelling Secondary Professions

With 5 toons that are actively being played and two toons that are used for banking, auction housing and general storage, there's a lot to keep "clean".

I'm not one of the world's most organized people at the best of times, and my bags and banks often reflect that on the game.

So, after doing the Jewelcrafting and Tailoring advancements, I spent a few hours cycling through all of my toons and cleaning up their bags and bank, sending everything not quest-related or battle-related (potions, etc) across to either my storage banker for sorting/keeping or my AH banker for sale.

Then, of course, I had to spend a few more hours organizing my bank toons, putting things up for Auction, sorting the order of the professions materials stored in the storage bank, and deciding which of the stored materials to put up for auction since there's just not enough room to keep it all.

Bagnon screenshot

By the way, I use an addon called Bagnon which combines all of my bags into one big bag, and my bank bags into one big bank bag, which enables me to see everything and sort by line instead of by bag. See the screenshot to the left - that's my Warrior's inventory.

The addon allows me to determine how many columns the bags display as well, so for the toons that are full up on 16 slotters (even having bought all the bank slots) I can make the display wider so it doesn't go from top to bottom of the window.

Trying Out The Fishing Changes

With patch 2.1 there were some fishing changes, so I pulled out my fishing rod on my 42 Mage and headed to Tarren Mills with a fishing skill of under 100 and some Nightcrawlers to buff it up as I fished the river pool slicks of Sagefish.

I must say, I appreciate the fact that the casting time has moved from 30 seconds to 20, and I appreciate that every cast gets a hit now (whether or not the fish gets away is another thing), but I can see there are some tweaks that need to be done over the next little while.

Namely, I've had a fish hit my line but when I click, I get no "Fish has gotten away" message but I don't get any fish, either. And also, if the fish hits just before the 20 second timer disappears, I have to click super-fast after the hit in order to get the fish before my fishing rod disappears because the "Fishing" spell or whatever has faded.

But, all in all, I think it's a vast improvement. Just that extra 10 seconds of time feels like a lot right now.

I ended up fishing for a couple of hours on this toon, brought my fishing up to 172, and collected a number of stacks of Raw Sagefish
Requires Level 10
Use: Restores 155.4 health and 315 mana over 21 seconds. Must remain seated while eating.
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Raw Sagefish, Raw Greater Sagefish
Requires Level 30
Use: Restores 567 health and 882 mana over 21 seconds. Must remain seated while eating.
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Raw Greater Sagefish, Firefin Snapper
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Firefin Snappers and Oily Blackmouth
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Oily Blackmouth. Plus, I fished up at least 15 trunks which yielded lots of cash, leathers, bolts of cloth and 5 Bind on Equip greens around level 30.

Fishing Leads to Cooking

I fish, partially to raise the skill, partially to fish up loot in Floating Wreckage, partially to supply my alchemy needs and my battle buffing needs, but mostly to level cooking on my lowbie alts. Advancing cooking past 225 is easily done with fish, and the food buffs available for those 225+ ones can be really nice!

Too bad there weren't (oil-slick) pools for Raw Nightfin Snapper
Requires Level 35
Use: Restores 874 health over 27 seconds. Must remain seated while eating.
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Raw Nightfin Snapper and Raw Sunscale Salmon
Requires Level 35
Use: Restores 874 health over 27 seconds. Must remain seated while eating.
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Raw Sunscale Salmon which can be cooked up into Nightfin Soup
Requires Level 35
Use: Restores 874 health over 27 seconds. Must remain seated while eating. Also restores 8 Mana every 5 seconds for 10 minutes.
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Nightfin Soup and Poached Sunscale Salmon
Requires Level 35
Use: Restores 874 health over 27 seconds. Must remain seated while eating. Also restores 6 health every 5 seconds for 10 minutes.
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Poached Sunscale Salmon with basic, or no, spices!