Sold 14 packs in 24 hours!

Mmmm, Auction House money... 18 Undead Priest/Tailor

So yes, selling Small Silk Pack
10 Slot BagContainer
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Small Silk Packs on the weekend has proven so far to be very lucrative, as I've sold 14 packs for 95s each since becoming Tailoring 150 last night when those silk cloth pieces arrived. I listed 8 last night and 4 had sold by early this morning, so I listed some more, and they've all sold. And, when I look at how many Small Silk Packs there are listed, there's 3 in total, so I've just bundled up another 10 and listed them.

42 Undead Warrior

Grinding is a real... grind with this toon now. The quests I have on my books are yellows and are very tough to do solo because the mobs reset so damned quickly in the area. I know the Outlands spawn time was adjusted to make up for the fact that it'd be overrun with players, but my zone was outside Outlands and far from overrun (I didn't see another player in the zone), so I'm hoping its spawn rate is "supposed" to be like that and is trying to encourage grouping up, without having directly marked the quest as "group". Otherwise, if this is a new resetting scheme all over the place, soloing is going to be quite a bit harder than it was.

A good piece of news is that I'm right in the middle of quests that involve humanoids that drop Silk Cloth :)

I'm trying to focus my advancement time on this toon, because everywhere I go, I hear parties that need "a tank and a healer". On my own guild line they're constantly in need of a "meat shield". There's rarely a need for a Hunter in a party (there's already one there). I think this is the same story on every realm around, and it's the reason I started up my Warrior and Priest toons.

So, today I'm working on [42] Skullsplitter Tusks, hanging out in hte Ruins of Zul'Mamwe with a few other Alliance and Horde toons. Since we're on a PvE server, there's no fear of being jumped by another player, but the Skullspliter Beastmasters and their panthers are mean enough and wandering around, looking for fights to jump into. I've already died twice thanks to the combination of the quick respawns and them jumping into battle when I wasn't expecting it. I remember this quest being a pain in the ass for my Hunter going through, too, but I guess like other quests, it's here to teach you how to refine your use of the Interface - this time by staying facing one way during battle while looking around at your surroundings to make sure nothing else is approaching.

I made a quick exchange with a mage on the server who was looking for page 25 of the Green Hills of Stranglethorn book while I was beating on Skullsplitters, I have no intention of finishing that backpack-filling quest so when he asked on General if anyone had it, I offered it to him for free if he came to where I was adventuring. In the exchange I got myself some mage bread, which I've been happily using as part of my healing repertoire.

I collected the final Skullsplitter Tusk in perfect time. I'm going out for dinner tonight and had just enough time to turn in the quest (4 bubbles to level 43) and then log in quick to my bank toon to see how many of my Auctions have sold since last I was logged in. I'm back up to over 100g in the bank toon and each of my playing toons have 20g or more on them too.

With a whole little family of toons working hard, it's easy to bring in cash! ;)