I didn't post these macros to show %26quot;skill%26quot; I aim for getting the most enjoyment out of a game by making the least amount of keybinds to remember%26quot;
Before I talk about WoW I need these macros for abilities like Death Grip that cost no action points, only works when people parry, and has a 5 sec CD. Perfect for a macro key.
In WoW I had a ton of macros I used, and need them in this game as well. But the commands seem to be different.
For instance in WoW I could use (For Example this very dumbed down macro). I didn't want to put in my radius distance for sap macro lol.
/cast Frost Bolt
/cast Icy Veins
This is NOT what I would do PvP....but for PvE as a example this would cast a frost bolt and also use icy veins every time it was up.
Or I could do
/castrandom ghostly strike, riposte, sinister strike, ghostly strike
This would cast all 3 with one button but Ghostly Strike would have the highest chance of being cast (which is ok bc of its CD)when I hit the key. Once again ok for pve, but not for pvp.
I have way more complicated macros but these are just simple examples.
How do I make macros like these in Warhammer?
bump - would like this answered
You can't. No abilites can be cast with macros. Which, IMO, is a good thing.
well if we cannot macro abilities, then what are macros used for?
Other than
/party heal please
and other chatter you might want to use, it can be used for custom emotes that you may find it useful to use, for example
/emote teabags his recent kill
/emote waves his willy at the stoopid orcs
Text Macroes aren't completely useless. Just learn to play without huge amounts of automation ala WoW, you already got your LUA addons.
In other words, macros are a joke.
How about functionality? Why can you even enter multiple lines if they do not get processed... it is even worse, the client is crashing if you enter 2 lines...
You know how this looks like? Unfinished work. The devs did not have the time to fix it before release. It needs to be looked at soon. Wow sets the standard for macros... I expect no less of WAR.
WoW's macros are absolutely awesome, they do NOT give %26quot;huge amount of aftomation%26quot; like some ppl bsing, they allow you to free some slots from action bars, allow more strategic and intelligent use of your abilities. Onw of the strongest part of WoWs combat.
They do this by . . . AUTOMATING lol.
They do this by allowing you to script battle sequences, and launch with a single key.
Must be hard to swallow that you actually have to press the buttons.
Get a Fang and program it yourself. Problem solved.
Yeah. Too bad there isnt a gun who can fire bullets and throw knifes and greaneds at the press of a trigger [/irony]
Macros are not intelligent they are basically just a pointer representing that you are not able to think fast and react fast in a given situation.
Listen, mate... Sometimes you just have to see the bigger picture. Macros are not set in default way of playing, and honestly macros kill the beauty of the game.
Sure I can find good ways of combining my skills. Heck, I can find a lots of them. But I dont want them. It's just cowardly and not fair against many players who find this lame.
Intelligence is shown in how you can react quick in combat and put the maximum use of your arsenal in a rapid action rather then prethinking a certain combo and pressing one button.
This doesnt develop your intelligence, it rather stagnates it.
You press a Key, ONE action is made. At least, one with a GCD on it. You could use several things that don't care about GCD at a tiime with macros, but there aren't many.
I eould really like to see a macro system similar to WoW's.
Because it allows you to support your plalystyle even more.