Rogue, 23, Acquires Poisons

I'm quite enjoying my little rogue, although I don't dedicate much play time to her these days because of goals on the "more senior" toons: Getting to 40 on my Mage to get a mount, getting into Outlands with my Warrior (+ epic mount at 60, funds are in place!), getting to 35 with my Priest to upgrade profession maxes.

I had a chance to get some guildie help with the Poisons quest in the Barrens at the beginning of the weekend, however, and I was glad to get that overwith. As is standard for any class quest you get at level 20, they're way too tough for a player that level to take on solo, so your choice is to wait until you're bigger, or find a friend to team up with to take it on at a reasonable level.

My guildmate helped me blow through the quest with minimal effort, which let me go back to Tarren Mills to turn in the quest, and lead me back to Undercity to purchase poison-creation materials. At level 23 the only poison I had was "Instant Poison" which is a Damage over Time type of poison, but right away I noticed the difference in my fights when I applied the poisons to my daggers!

It wasn't long before I hit level 24 and went back to the trainers for generalized training. I then picked up "Crippling Poison" which I will love with all of my heart because it's designed to slow down runners. One thing I certainly noticed as a Rogue before this poison, I was doing a lot of chasing after runners because I didn't have a quick and easy way to finish them off from a distance like with my Hunter (for whom it was sheer joy when they ran - "yes, yes, run! Run so I can shoot you in the back! Oh YAY!").

There are a couple of guildies who started new Blood Elf toons (Mage and Pally) a week ago and they're levelling them up together during the evenings, so once they get into range of this rogue toon I have, I'll play her a little more regularly by joining in with their group. Surprisingly enough, we don't have many Rogues in our guild, so having another one that is active and regular will be great for the standard "hey, can you unlock this?" question that is bandied about semi-regularly on the guild line.

I hear that with Patch 2.1 that is currently in the Player Test Realms (PTRs), poisons are going to change slightly to my playstyle benefit: Right now poisons are controlled by both "charges" and "time left". Time-left sets it up so the poison only lasts 30 minutes of play time, and there are 20 or 30 "charges" that can be used within this time period. Currently, when one or the other runs out, the poison wears off of the weapon and needs to be re-applied. Once the patch comes out, the "time-left" requirement is being removed, with only the "charges" remaining. For players like me who dilly-dally around in cities and on wyverns/bats while flying, this is good news because our poisons will last longer.

That having been said, I have 40 Instant Poisons in my inventory, and 20 Crippling Poisons, just because I wanted to advance my poisons levels closer to its 115/120 max. It's going to take forever for me to use these up if they're not wearing off every 30 minutes ;)

One question, however - I don't have any enchants on my weapons at this time. If I enchanted them, would I be able to apply poisons, or would the poisons remove the enchants?