For DPS Specs: How To Drive Away Healers And Tanks

Hey! Are you one of those %26#8220;DPS%26#8221; classes when it comes to dungeon teams and pick up groups?
Wanna make it so tanks and healers you DO party with mystically disconnect, mid-run, and don't come back?
How about making it so that anyone you ran with in the past conveniently finds a reason why [...]No tag for this post.

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Wee Healer Druid Gets Kitty Form

So, since I've got a couple of high-level DPS toons and a 61 Warrior who I'm afraid to take out for PUG tanking practice, I fired up a new toon, again, with the goal of being a dungeon-running healer.
I already have a holy-spec'd Priest at level 38 who I've done some RFD PUGs with, but [...]No tag for this post.

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Helping A Warrior Tank Guildmate Exceed 490 Defense

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But, while he was raiding he got some nice experience in the Outland dungeons (non-heroic) and although he's now [...]No tag for this post.

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Traffic Congestion on the UC-1

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I love it when, on occasion, the timing is %26#8220;just right%26#8221; and lets me follow someone very closely on their flight path as I fly to my own destination.
It's like riding on [...]No tag for this post.

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Discovery! Flask of Relentless Assault

My 69 Mage, in preparing for the final quest run push to 70, was bubbling up a number of Adept's Elixir for personal use when voila, I discovered a fifth Flask!

But I guess my question is, when is Flasking better than just Potting up? I mean, other than when you're wiping over and over [...]No tag for this post.

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Saying Goodbye to the Headless Horseman

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Until I saw it... the little Headless Horseman way back in the background, over my shoulder.
Running Through Scarlet Monestary

I also [...]No tag for this post.

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How Discoveries Work + What Flasks Are Best Used For

Rizzo asked me about the discoveries I've made on my Troll Mage Alchemist (first one I recorded in the blog was at lvl 59, Alchemy 375) and how to get the discoveries to occur, so since I've been away for a few days I thought this would be a great start-back point!
How I Discovered My [...]No tag for this post.

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Short private note to ?Truthseeker?

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I just wanted to say that I definitely read your note and have put some thought into how to respond, but it's a complex situation, that's for [...]No tag for this post.

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Do You Bother Rolling For Chests In Dungeons?

Some time ago, maybe around Patch 2.1, a change was introduced into the game surrounding chests and how parties handle who gets the loot.
The Old Way (before Patch 2.1 or so)
Initially, whoever opened the chest would get all of the contents, and the regular rolling mechanisms present in groups for corpse loots didn't apply. [...]No tag for this post.

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Greasing the Social Wheels, An Introduction

World of Warcraft is a massively MULTIPLAYER online role playing game.
There are now some 9 MILLION registered players according to Blizzard, and it's THE most popular online role playing game going.
With that many PEOPLE playing the game, it's important as a member of the WoW community on your realm to think about how you can [...]No tag for this post.

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Tank/Healer Not Required: An Alternate Universe

One of the many repeat topics of conversation regarding the World of Warcraft grouping dynamic is the question of whether there's %26#8220;enough%26#8221; tanks and healers to support the number of DPS characters looking to complete the same content.
That is, are there enough players with proper skills, proper equipment and proper talent specializations (in that order) [...]No tag for this post.

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The Casual Mage: PvP In My 70-Gear-Up Strategy

Now that my Troll Mage is level 70, I have been working at gearing up to level 70 equipment that brings my stats up high enough to be a good contribution to Heriocs dungeons every time I go in, instead of being the weaker link.
I did a wee bit of research on our realm for [...]No tag for this post.

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Gearing Up For Heroics

As I worked my Frost Mage to 70, I did a lot of reading and researching on gearing needs for running Heroics and gearing needs for maybe, perhaps, on occasion, filling in for someone in a Karazhan raid some day.
Shadoweave Tailor - Frozen Shadoweave set
So, when I hit 70 I started working on %26#8220;epicing%26#8221; out [...]No tag for this post.

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My First Heroics Dungeon: Blood Furnace

With Frost damage at 464 and 6.7k health unbuffed, my 70 Mage donning the Epic Shadoweave set augmented with quest and dungeon Blues listed himself in the LFG tool for the first time for a Heroics dungeon run.
As usual, I listed myeslf for a few options, but with the Daily Heroics quest being for Blood [...]No tag for this post.

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What To Do With Your Ethereum Prison Keys Daily Dungeon Reward

At level 70, there's a whole bunch of things to do to keep yourself entertained. Way more things to do than used to be the case at level 60, in fact.

Daily Dungeon quests are one of the many dailies a level 70 player can get involved with, and each day there are two daily dungeon quests - one for a dungeon on regular mode, and one for a dungeon on Heroic mode. The %26#8220;regular mode%26#8221; daily dungeon quest can be done in Heroic or Regular and count, whereas the one requiring Heroic mode cannot be done on Normal mode.

Generally, the reward for completing a Heroic mode Daily Dungeon quest is a chunk of pocket change (ie: nearly 25g) and two Badge of Justice (which can be turned in for nice epic gear when enough are accumulated).

The reward for the regular mode daily dungeon quest is slightly less pocket change (8g 80s) and one of these Ethereum Prison Keys.

A Place To Use Your Ethereum Prison Key For Lewts And Rewards

I think there's a few things you can do with your key, but I went for the easiest-to-solo option, which was to fly to Netherstorm and find a specific spot (54,40) that had a bunch of Ethereum Prisons on the ground in their pink bubbly format, and use my keys to unlock the prisons and free that which was inside.

Where To Use Your Ethereum Prison Key (Daily Dungeon reward)

From what I had read about it, the keys would unlock the bubble and either a %26#8220;friendly%26#8221; or an %26#8220;aggressive%26#8221; target would emerge. The aggressive ones would require killing but would drop loot of uncommon and higher quality. The friendly ones... I don't remember. The first four keys I turned in gave me Aggressive targets to kill and loot.

Have you used your keys for other things?

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Azeroth In The 50s - Rogue and Priest

Both my Priest (disc/holy) and Rogue (combat/swords spec) are now in their 50s and advancing through Azeroth dungeons.

I mainly PUG with them both, using the LFG tool or LFG line as my resource, and on occasion I'll get into a party that needs another person, and I'll be able to ask a guildmate to come along. Most times, however, my guildmates aren't of the correct level range or are working on something else, so I just LFG it and end up in a party with near-complete strangers.

I do find that I run into the same people more and more now that I've progressed past level 45 or so - there's a lot of us %26#8220;alts%26#8221; being levelled up at a slower, more relaxed pace, especially through the 40s and 50s.

Which Toon Gets Parties More Often?

I thought for sure that my Priest would outlevel my Rogue just because of the constant demand for healers and less constant demand for DPS in groups. So far, this hasn't been the case, however - if I just relax and go with the parties that are forming when I have time to commit to them, I'm finding that I'm burning off both my Priest and Rogue's rest bonus pretty much equally, and they're staying about the same distance away in terms of levels.

I wonder if this will change once I hit Outland?

Hard To Find Sunken Temple and Blackrock Depths Groups?

I find watching the LFG channel to be very interesting, whether or not I'm able to commit to joining a party destined for some particular instance or not.

Some nights it's like all the Tanks have gone on strike, but the next night, or in an hour, it will seem like the Healers thought this was a good idea. Then sometimes everyone's looking for CC/DPS. And of course, whether people are looking for members for Outland instances or Azeroth instances is another factor that waxes and wanes, too.

Priest Levels While In Spirit Healer Form

Since I'm really just advancing my lowbie toons in a %26#8220;let's spend your rest bonus%26#8221; way, going without a dungeon on them for week or more generally isn't a big deal. On the weekend (if Real Life doesn't interfere) I can be assured to find at least one party for each of them, and with the recent gear changes and dungeon nerfings in Patch 2.3, most parties that wouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell a year ago are quite able to handle themselves without constant deaths.

That being said, I haven't joined a level-appropriate PUG for Stratholme or Scholomance with either of these toons - the one time I DID go into Strat, we had a level 66 healer and only two of us were under 60 and still wearing Azeroth gear. I think those instances might still provide a decent challenge for those who wish to go in with an at-level team.

Gear Collection From PUGs

One of the great things about how I'm advancing these toons is that now, at this level, I'm able to go into dungeons that drop gear I'll be able to wear in a level or two, instead of only dropping gear that is 3+ levels below me already. I was able to gather things for my healer from Maraudon and Sunken Temple a level or three before I could use them, and I've just begun running Blackrock Depths which promises to have gear to hold me through until I can put on a set of Outland Greens I buy from the Auction House in preparation for my 57th or 58th level.

Gah, I remember the days when Blackrock Depths was a sizable enough transition from Sunken Temple's level of difficulty that I started to require proper diversity in the guild groups I was leading, since going in with four hunters and a healer wasn't near as viable anymore (none of us hunters were particularly skilled, including myself). Now, it's just another dungeon to progress through, except it's huge and has a billion bosses to drop loot, and doesn't make sense to players who forget there used to be 40-man raid instances that BRD and the likes served as training grounds for.

I'm looking forward to hitting Outland with these two toons, but haven't figured out how exactly I'm going to level them - dungeons only, still, like they've been doing since mid-30's? Or will I actually QUEST with them??!

Investing In Professions

Level 50 is always a great level for my lowbies - it means they can finally do something with their professions again and actually get some kind of levelling credit for it.

Field Repair Bot 110g

My Rogue is an Engineer with a minor in Mining, and was stuck at 300 Engineering since before he hit level 40, so I spent a bit of time advancing up skills based on the Thorium I had gathered while levelling my Mining to Outland-ready levels. I got high enough to use the Field Repair Bot 110G (325) and lucked into buying a couple stacks of 5 repair bots for a total of 10g. Then, I continued to advance Engineering so I could make some Crashin' Thrashin' Robots for those nights that my guildmates field a partial PUG and want to have some fun.

My Priest is a Tailor/Jewelcrafter and was locked at 300 for those for quite a while, also. I've actually had a ball advancing her Jewelcrafting from 300 to 340 or so because I was able to use a bit of cash and a lot of prospecting to fund the journey without it costing an arm and a leg! I'll write about that one in a different entry, however.

So, now my toons are around 350 in their professions, and I will continue to create things out of materials I happen to have laying around, but largely I'll go back to not worrying about their professions until they start getting to a level where they can get some of the Bind on Pickup recipes that drop during dungeon runs.

Good thing, too, because I have two toons coming up to the point of needing Epic Land riding training (150) right away!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

Tags: Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Mining, Professions, Tail

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70 Hunter Gets New Crossbow from Arcatraz

Now that I'm actually PUGging with my Hunter and running some of the Outland instances, I'm getting some neat gear upgrades here and there and am probably pretty close to being able to properly hold my own in Heroics, and maybe even get into the early parts of a Karazhan raid.

One of the recent gear upgrades I got was that of a Crossbow that dropped in the Arcatraz, the Emberhawk Crossbow. I've gotten a lot of nice compliments on it from others in my party, she's a pretty snazzy looking bow.
Hunter gets new Emberhawk Crossbow

I'm a bow-user, myself. Having started out with a bow, I didn't realize that I was a bow-user until I played with a Tauren or two in my dungeon groups and realized just how insanely loud the guns were compared to the bows or the crossbows. I've tried to use guns myself when they've been higher DPS than my bow, but I inevitably find my way back to a bow as quickly as possible just to avoid the noise.

Heck, when I'm partying with friends who use Guns over Bows, I find myself strafing and relocating where I do my DPS or heals from just so I don't have to stand there right beside all that noise.

Gearing Up Without Focus

This toon is doing pretty well for gearing up without really even worrying about what dungeons and bosses I'm %26#8220;supposed%26#8221; to be hitting - the upgrades have slowed significantly, but I still run into cool upgrades that I didn't even know were there, enough that my random attempts at daily dungeon quests or keying stages are fun and progressing well.

I even got my Beast Lord Leggings the other day, replacing one of my last bits of Leather gear that I had around due to the better stats.

Too bad my PvP/Gladiator shoulders and gloves are so bulky and, like, sooooo don't go with the rest of my outfit...

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Polymorph: Pig Quest Chain In Azshara

At level 70, doing instances on a regular basis and now getting into Raids, I thought maybe I should go back to Azeroth and into Azshara to finish the level 60 Mage quest that I never, ever did.

I didn't do it mainly because I didn't realize what the reward was - and that reward is the ability to Polymorph something into a Pig instead of the standard Sheep form.

So, I headed over to WoWWiki and looked up information on the quest chain, and headed to Orgrimmar to make the run to Azshara. Since this toon came about during the Burning Crusade era of World of Warcraft, he hadn't ever ventured to Azshara as there was no real reason to - advancing through the 50s to get to Outland was easily done in other zones.

The King of the Class Quests

Azshara Mage Class Quest: Polymorph: Pig

Archmage Xylem is the guy you're sent to see for your last Azeroth class quest, pretty much no matter what class you are, Horde-side. If I remember correctly, I went to him for my Warrior, Hunter and Rogue quests, and I'm sure my Priest will need to visit him shortly as well. He's located at the Bear's Head in Azshara, at 29,40, and you need to take a teleport up to visit him.

Stage One - Prismatic Shell and Warlord Krellian

The first stage of the class quest that results in the Polymorph: Pig spell for Mages is to retrieve a Prismatic Shell from Warlord Krellian who dwells in Azshara. At level 70, this is a super-easy quest to complete, but at a lower level it may be more difficult simply because of the number of wandering mobs that will impede direct progress to the Warlord whose temple is found at 39,53.

Stage Two - Polymorph Clone Destruction

Once you return the Prismatic Shell to Archmage Xylem, you get the next stage to the quest which requires you to destroy 50 Polymorph Clones before returning to the Archmage.
Polymorph: Pig quest, sheeping serpents

The clones are created when you polymorph the appropriate quest mobs and then wait a few moments. The polymorphed serpent will then %26#8220;break apart%26#8221; into a bunch of little Polymorph Clones (sheep-shaped) which run around like crazy for a short period of time and then die off on their own.

Your job, dear Mage, is to kill the little suckers before they run off and die on their own.

AOEing down the Polymorph Clones

I found that I had to be semi-close to the serpent to be able to sheep it and step forward and get in proper range for an Arcane Explosion, and if I wasn't close enough or fast enough, some of the little sheeps got out of range and died before I could get another Explosion in. You've gotta be quick!

The Final Result: Polymorph: Pig

Polymorph: Pig

For your efforts, you get a new polymorph to look at whenever you're doing your regular job of Crowd Control - Pig! You can set up a macro to %26#8220;randomly%26#8221; select Pig or Sheep for your polymorph, too, if you like those extra surprises.

Finding Other Polymorphs

One of these days I'm going to see if I can convince a few friends to do some Zul'Gurub runs with specific attention to the guy who drops the Polymorph: Turtle tome, and maybe even some of the animal bosses who drop the special mounts.

Are there any other polymorph spells attainable that I didn't mention?

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Auctioneer: Downsides And Compensation, Part One

%26#8220;Auctioneer%26#8221; is one of the main addons I use within World of Warcraft as a tool in my %26#8220;how to be wealthy%26#8221; toolkit.

Each day, I scan the current Auction House listings with Auctioneer, and then I use it to determine what of my auctionable materials I put up for sale, how many get posted, and what prices I list them at.

By using Auctioneer, I've found a lot of %26#8220;good deals%26#8221; for my own purchases, and have been introduced to a number of easy-to-buy or easy-to-make items that have a low investment cost but high profit return.

But, by using Auctioneer's price-suggestion features, I've also noticed some not-so-reliable results being suggested to me, and have had to pay close attention to the true worth and value of materials I am looking to add to my sellers list.

Auctioneer Downside #1 - Starting With Nothing

The biggest detriment is that the Auctioneer addon package comes to you with an empty database - that is, until you have allowed the addon to scan Auction House listings at least once, the addon has no stored prices for anything and cannot offer listing-price advice.

Therefore, until you've completed a dozen or more scans with enough time between them (different days at different times of day) to make them useful, the Auctioneer's suggested prices are likely to be way off from your realm's %26#8220;average%26#8221;, and it won't have ANY information for things listed infrequently.

In short, the more scans you do over time (1-3x a day maximum), the more complete the addon's information will be for you, the player, to use. Keep scanning regularly!

Auctioneer Detriment #2 - Price Storage Rules

A second detriment to consider with Auctioneer is that its suggestions are based only upon LISTING prices, NOT actual Auction prices. Auctioneer can only see what value things are listed for currently and record that, it cannot tell how much that item actually sold for, or if it sold at all.

What does this mean for you, the user? Two main things:

First off, it means the information Auctioneer provides as it makes recommendations for your own listing prices may be WAY off of the profitability mark, especially with a small number of scans to base its information upon.

Secondly, it means that Auctioneer data can be %26#8220;skewed%26#8221; by purposeful and excessive over-pricing of items posted by its users.

The result of both of these may likely be your vast over- or under-pricing of auctions until enough information has been collected to be accurate and for you to get a better %26#8220;feel%26#8221; for the acceptable price for this particular market.

How To Compensate / Find Your Profit %26#8220;Sweet Spot%26#8221;

Without scanning the Auction House for 2 weeks twice a day in order to start to build a respectable database of information, what's a player to do in order to recognize and avoid these under- or over-price skews?

Stay tuned for Part Two!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Still Here! Funny YouTube Video about Gold Farmers

Heya folks!

Sorry for the lack of posts in the last little while, life鈥檚 been busy. I have been taking screenshots during my playtime however, so I鈥檒l have lots to write about when I can actually sit down and concentrate on it :)

For now, I found a YouTube video on Gold Farmers that I found pretty well-done and well-written and entertaining (although there鈥檚 a couple of un-PC digs - which make it even funnier at a visceral level) that I wanted to share:

Tags: farming, Gold, video

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Still Here! Funny YouTube Video about Gold Farmers

Heya folks!

Sorry for the lack of posts in the last little while, life鈥檚 been busy. I have been taking screenshots during my playtime however, so I鈥檒l have lots to write about when I can actually sit down and concentrate on it :)

For now, I found a YouTube video on Gold Farmers that I found pretty well-done and well-written and entertaining (although there鈥檚 a couple of un-PC digs - which make it even funnier at a visceral level) that I wanted to share:

Tags: farming, Gold, video

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WoWGrrl Website update

Hey, welcome to the new WoWGrrl blog site design, created by my brother :)

Thanks goes out to one of my new guildmates in the heroics/raiding guild my Mage/Hunter/Priest have moved into, for coming to Stranglethorn Vale to pose for some various screenshots for creating the new theme. You know who you are!

More updates soon :)

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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The Toon Family Continues To Mature, Part I

I've been pretty focussed on sport hobbies and other projects with my brother lately and haven't had much time to spend letting my writing muse inspire me.

But, certain projects have reached a point that gives me a wee bit of rest and chance to get caught up here, and planning new %26#8220;tips and tricks%26#8221; entries.

A general update of my own playing toons is a good start, as I find it fun to look back in my own blog and remember where I was at certain stages and time periods.

Priest - Disc/Holy - at 51

Back in December was the last time I wrote about this toon, but like the Rogue I talk about below, she hasn't really levelled that much over the months, going from 44 to 51 since then.

Major Skills And Stats:

51 Priest Stats, March 7, 2008

Jewelcrafting: 375/375

Tailoring: 356/375

Cooking: 360/375

First Aid: 360/375

Fishing: 221/225

Riding: 75/75

The priest has been great fun to play and has has levelled well whenever I join the LFG tool in the evening, but lately I've been spending more time in the city working on Jewelcrafting since I hit level 50. Getting from 300 to 350 JC took an investment of 20g or less to cycle through, but 350+ got expensive when I started to buy rare-cut recipes like Dazzling Talasite, Inscribed Noble Topaz, Balanced Nightseye, Bright Living Ruby, Subtle Living Ruby, Gleaming Dawnstone and Rigid Dawnstone. I've even picked up three meta recipes!

It's kinda fun to be one of the the ones in the guild with the most cuts, and especially to log into a level 51 alt to do all the cutting! I don't advertise my skills to non-guildmates, but I do offer to cut when I see someone on the Trade line looking for one I can do and offering a tip to get it done.

Rogue - Combat/Swords - at 58

Back in December was the last time I wrote about this toon, but she hasn't really advanced that much over the months, going from 52 to 58 since then.

Major Skills And Stats:

58 Rogue Stats, March 7, 2008

Engineering: 364/375

Mining: 313/375

Cooking: 365/375

First Aid: 325/375

Fishing: 230/300

Lockpicking: 285/290

Poisons: 285/290

Riding: 75/75

The rogue has levelled well enough but was skipped over in favor of my Priest's Jewelcrafting profession when it came to funnelling cash towards maxing out of professions. I've recently put more cash towards this one, however, and Engineering is now at 364. I also worked for a while on getting mining to 300 and have turned my attention to Fishing now and then, getting 10-15 levels over a couple of days then leaving it for a long while again.

Druid - Feral/Resto - at 30

I gave this toon's recent update back in December was the last time I wrote about this toon as well, and while I've leveled to 30 in the mean time, I decided to %26#8216;park' this toon and instead work on getting my Priest and Rogue up to level cap.

Major Skills And Stats:

30 Druid Healing Stats, March 7, 2008

Enchanting: 200/225

Skinning: 206/225

Cooking: 65/150

First Aid: 225/225

Fishing: 16/75

This druid got to 27 with a full Restoration spec and gear build, but on my way to 30 I respec'd to a Feral/Resto build and traded some favors with friends to help me get a second set of gear - one with lots of Intelligence and Spirit for healing, and a second with a lot of Agility and Strength for doing damage as a Kitty Druid. I carry both sets and regularly see groups in LFG looking for a role I could fill. But, I remain focused.

30 Druid DPS Stats, March 7, 2008

In the back of my mind I've wondered if I shouldn't replace Enchanting on my 70 Hunter and instead take up Leatherworking for crafting my own epic gear, so this toon is being advanced in Enchanting, even though she's got a long way to go to catch up. Funnelling green+ gear to disenchant hasn't been difficult at all, although I was surprised at how long Enchanting relies on Strange Dust and saw an opportunity for low-level profits there.

There's my lowbie toon update, I'll be writing again soon about the higher level stuff my level cap toons are doing.

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

Tags: Enchanting, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, Mining, Professions, Skinning, Tail

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Main Toon Update: 70 Mage, Alchemist/Tailor

My main toon used to be my Hunter, but that toon was largely %26#8220;parked%26#8221; in favor of my Mage as it came through Outland. I used my Hunter mainly to help friends, or to farm materials for the Mage's alchemy levelling.

Mage Toon History

The Mage is my only surviving male toon, and was my second toon to 70. I advanced him in such a way that grinding reputation at 70 for my Heroics keys would be as easy as possible because I'd taken the most efficient route to obtaining different levels of reputation early on.

Of course, by the time I hit 70 with my Mage in November 2007, patch 2.3(?) came out and lowered the Heroics key reputation requirement from Revered to Honored. I was able to buy 3 keys as soon as I hit 70 and the other two came along shortly afterwards with a little bit of instancing in the regular 68+ dungeons of Botanica/Mechanar and Durnholde/Black Morass.

Gearing Up For Heroics

Having done most of my reputation gain through low-level dungeons (Thrallmar) or turn-ins (Cenarion Expedition, Lower City) or single-player quests, my gearing when I hit level 70 wasn't all that great, and it took me about a month of crafting gear to get myself to +400-450 frost damage and 6.9k health (both unbuffed), which is where I started into Heroics in mid-December 2007.

January 2008 70 Mage Player Stats, Unbuffed

By early January 2008 I was already at +691 frost damage unbuffed, just having changed over to Heroics dungeons and collecting and turning in the Badge of Justice reward that each boss drops in Heroic mode.

March 2008, 70 Mage Player Stats, Unbuffed

Since then, my gear has continued to slowly improve through Heroics badge turn-ins and reputation rewards and crafted gear. And of course, understanding of what it was I was trying to aim for in my stats. But, these days, my playing time is reduced because of sport hobbies and business ventures, so my overall stats really haven't improved a great lot. In the past three weeks I've only had a chance to raid twice and hit one Heroic.

Professions And Skills, Hard Numbers

Before I go and blab on about the various things, I'll post details like I did for the lowbies I wrote about in the last entry:

Tailoring: 375/375 - Shadoweave specialty

Alchemy: 375/375 - Transmute specialty

Cooking: 375/375

First Aid: 375/375

Fishing: 375/375

Riding: 300/300 (riding a Cenarion War Hippogryph from Exalted Cenarion Expedition rep)

Professions, Special Recipes: Alchemy

I started Alchemy at around level 30, and hit 375 Alchemy on this toon when he was level 58. I was a long way away from being able to choose a specialization for Alchemy itself, but I had it maxed, thanks to the support of my Hunter Herbalist who was levelling up quickly through the 60s as I helped guildmates and friends advance where my Mage was still too weak.

Throughout my 60s I periodically made Alchemy %26#8220;discoveries%26#8221;, but Flask, Transmutation and Potion ones are the only ones I've picked up so far. I know there are Cauldrons of resist potions I could discover as well, but I don't make many resist potions to give myself a chance on a Discovery. The Discoveries (and reputation-vendor-bought things) I have made (earned) as of today are:


  • Flask of Pure Death

  • Flask of Blinding Light

  • Flask of Fortification

  • Flask of Mighty Restoration

  • Flask of Relentless Assault

  • Flask of Distilled Wisdom (Exalted with Cenarion Expedition)


  • Transmute: Earthstorm Diamond (Cenarion Expedition - Honored)

  • Transmute: Skyfire Diamond (Thrallmar - Honored)

  • Transmute: Earth To Life

  • Transmute: Life To Earth

  • Transmute: Water To Shadow

  • Transmute: Air To Fire (Sha'tar rep)

  • Transmute: Water To Air (Centarion Expedition)

  • Transmute: Primal Might (Vendor)


  • Super Rejuvenation Potion

  • Heroic Potion

Professions, Special Recipes: Tailoring

I did a lot of profession-switching with this Mage toon all through his life. Picked up and dropped Leatherworking at least twice, and Engineering, Enchanting, Mining, and Skinning at least once. At 66 I dropped Skinning which was at 375 and picked up Tailoring, knowing from having read a little that crafted Tailoring gear is superior to even Tier 4 gear, and figuring it would be a long time before I'd be playing somewhere to exceed that gearing level.

I specialized in Shadoweave Tailoring because I intended to stay a Frost mage, with my goals set on Heroics and not much far beyond. My Hunter already had 350 Fishing, so I used my huge need for Primal Water as motivation to max out my fishing in Nagrand where there are occasional pools of Pure Water that have a high percentage of Mote of Water and often come out in twos or threes. The first piece of my Shadoweave set crafted was the Frozen Shadoweave Boots, and by the time I had fished enough Primal Water, my Hunter was at 375 fishing.

While leveling up to 375 in Tailoring, my Mage went on some serious Fishing expeditions, supplied some friends with healing and stamina buff foods, and finished off my Shadoweave set with half and half bought Primal Waters and fished ones.

Cheap Levelling Recipe, Tailoring 360+

As a Tailor, I really haven't picked up too many unique pattern recipes except through reputation vendors - unlucky on the dungeon drops, I guess. The only useful one I got was a Bind on Equip %26#8220;blue%26#8221; pattern which helped a lot in levelling Tailoring - Pattern: Arcanoweave Boots which still used Bolt of Netherweave instead of the vastly more expensive Imbued Bolt of Netherweave. It was Orange/Yellow clear up to 375 and disenchanted into a Large Prismatic Shard to boot!

Other than the Shadoweave patterns and the other ones purchasable from vendors around Outland, I only have one epic pattern on my Mage - for Boots of Blasting which dropped in a 25-man raid but are Bind on Pickup as soon as they're crafted, so they don't really count as all that %26#8220;useful%26#8221; beyond my own gearing.

Heroics Mage Stats I Started With / Currently Have

I can't remember when, exactly, I started into Heroics - aside from the fact that I was at about +400-450 frost dmg and 6.9k health, both unbuffed. But certainly, it wasn't too long after I got my full Shadoweave set that getting invites into 10 and even 25-man raids became a regular occurance from people I ran Heroics with, and from all of the fishing, I had more than a few stacks of Poached Bluefish to use during my play time - and some Grilled Mudfish to sell for nice prices in the Auction House.

Frost Mage's Secondary Epic Set, Spellstrike

The Spellstrike set (Spellstrike Pants and Spellstrike Hood) were my next Tailoring/gearing goal after the Shadoweave was done, but it took a lot longer to get crafted for a number of reasons.

First, because I had already commited as a Shadoweave tailor, and second because I was in a leveling guild with people who were still getting toons to 70 and not focusing on gearing for Heroics or Raiding yet so I couldn't find a Shadowcloth spec'd tailor to trade with easily.

I ended up watching the AH for good buying prices on Spellcloth and for good selling prices on Shadowcloth, and trading my wares. I then turned to the Trade line to find crafters who had the actual patterns, because I couldn't farm the correct instances enough to get them to drop.

I definitely funneled a lot of money into buying motes and primals and Spellcloth (which sells for more than Shadowcloth does), but also saved a mittload of cash fishing up most of my Primal Waters and using my Alchemy Transmutes to create most of my own Primal Mights.

What Goals Now?

In closing, I'd like to mention that I don't have great goals for this toon now. Doing Heroics, gathering badges, and going on occasional 25-man evening raids tends to be what I have time for these days, and I'm feeling pretty powerful on this toon.

So, I turned the money funnel away from my Mage and towards my other toons, at least for a while, to get everyone's professions maxed out no matter what level they are.

Next update up, my 70 Hunter, which has now been into Karazhan on occasion when my Mage is already locked out, but has not yet been in a 25-man raid scenario.

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

Tags: Alchemy, Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Leveling, Mining, Professions, Skinning, Tail

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70 Hunter Update, Enchanting/Herbalism

My Hunter was my very first toon ever created on World of Warcraft, and bears a name I've used online for years in various capacities and has become my online pen name. Many people on the game still call me %26#8220;Val%26#8221; no matter what toon I'm on. Valdesta was born during the Winter's Veil Festival in World of Warcraft, late in the year of 2005.

My hunter is the one featured fishing on this blog - with a guildmate warlock buddy who has way better gear than I do on my Hunter :)

Before the expansion pack came out, she hit 60 at the end of May 2006. By the time the expansion hit, I knew this Hunter wasn't my priority, so it took her until September 2007 to hit 70 having done ZERO outland dungeons and only a small number of Outland group quests. She soloed from 60 to 70, never running out of quests but completely not worrying about %26#8220;reputation grinding%26#8221;.

This toon was never really destined for much, but gets some time here and there and has acheived some useful milestones.

Current Skills and Stats (Unbuffed)

March 13, 2008, 70 Hunter stats

Enchanting: 360/375

Herbalism: 375/375

Cooking: 375/375

First Aid: 375/375

Fishing: 375/375

Riding: 300/300 (using the Reins of the Veridian Netherwing Drake to call my epic flying mount and the Horn of the Frostwolf Howler for my epic land mount)

Reputation Standings - Outland

I was originally going to list the non-standard recipes I have for Enchanting, but I really don't have many that are worth mentioning, and the process was looking more tedious than I wanted to deal with for a blog post.

So, instead, you get a summary of my Reputation levels:

Reputation Maxed At Exalted

Frostwolf Clan (Alterac Valley battleground)


Reputation At Revered

Nobody in Outland!

Reputation At Honored

Cenarion Expedition11446/12000
The Consortium4860/12000
Lower City243/12000
Sha'tari Skyguard1630/12000
The Scryers6555/12000
The Sha'tar4487/12000
Keepers of Time9309/12000
The Violet Eye1610/12000

Outland Keys Obtained

Heroics Keys:

  • Reservoir Key

  • Warpforged Key

  • Flamewrought Key

  • Key of Time

  • Auchenai Key

Other Keys/Parts:

  • The Master's Key (Karazhan entry)

  • Shattered Halls Key

  • Top Shard of the Arcatraz Key

Current Gearing

Gear is what I expect will start to change on this toon more than anything else - if there's a second Karazhan group that goes through in a week and my Mage is already tied up in a RaidID, then I go along with Valdesta instead.

Earthwarden's Coif
Expedition Pendant
Beastmaw Pauldrons
Crystalweave Cape
Felstalker Breastplate
Bracers of Maliciousness
Gloves of Quickening
Felstalker Belt
Beast Lord Leggings
Outland Striders
Ring #1
Conquerer's Band
Ring #2
Violet Signet
Trinket #1
Commander's Badge
Trinket #2
Riding Crop
Melee Weapon(s)
Sonic Spear
Ranged Weapon
Emberhawk Crossbow
Blackflight Arrow

Goals For The Future Of This Toon

This toon is still mainly a %26#8220;farming%26#8221; toon. When I don't have much time to actually play, I may log into this toon to fly around on my Netherdrake and pick herbs for a little while. I much prefer getting my own materials for the endless stream of Super Mana Potions I go through on my Mage during raid nights!

That being said, I don't expect to do a lot with her because I'll use my Mage as a priority in raids and Heroics, and I'm advancing my Priest and Rogue to get to level cap before the expansion hits... whenver that is!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

Tags: Enchanting, Herbalism

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WoWGrrl?s First Foray Into Video Editing

I've finally done it.

I've got a Mac, and I played a little bit with the recording functionality that come into World of Warcraft a while back but I never really did anything with it.

Now, I finally have! This one is a short one, less than 2 minutes in length, and is about how to find Keanna's Log in Karazhan after your raid has gone through and killed up to Maiden of Virtue.

If you've never heard my voice and are curious, now's your chance ;)

Be on the lookout for more videos from WoWGrrl soon, cuz this is fun!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

Tags: Videos

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Where To Buy The Frostwolf Howler Alterac Valley PvP Mount

I've had some comments over the past few months that had some great questions asked, but time got away from me and I haven't answered them yet.

Here's one of the more recent ones:

I dont know where to find the person who sells frostwolf mounts! Can someone tell me please?

- Bartil

About The Frostwolf Howler Mount

The Frostwolf Howler mount is a PvP-reward Epic Land Mount.

Requirements to ride the Frostwolf Howler are:

  • Level 60 or above

  • Trained Riding to 150 (this reward is only the mount, not the training)

  • Exalted with Frostwolf Clan (Alterac Valley PvP rep)

  • 50 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor to spend

Where To Find The Alterac Valley Rewards Vendor

It's an Alterac Valley rewards vendor that sells the Horn of the Frostwolf Howler to players who meet the criteria listed above, and those vendors found in the Alterac Mountains zone just north of Tarren Mills in the Hillsbrad Foothills.

He can be found at 62.59.

WoWGrrl's Video Walkthrough - Where To Buy The Frostwolf Howler

Yay for video!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Re-Guilded: Mage, Hunter, Priest

I didn't really mention it before, but I figured I'd go ahead and outline some guild-related changes that my characters have undergone in the past few months.

Mage, Hunter, Priest Make A Move

I've been raiding with a decent group since the beginning of January, and finally decided to make the official guild change-over on my raiding toon, the 70 Frost Mage, on February 21.

As for the rest, I moved my 70 Hunter over shortly afterwards and a few days later, brought the 51 Priest/Jewelcrafter over, but have left my %26#8220;parked%26#8221; 61 Warrior in my social/levelling guild along with my 58 Rogue, 30 Druid and a bank toon.

Why The Switch?

There's many reasons why I made the switch with my best-geared toon... the new guild is larger, more active, and since they are raiding regularly at the 25-man level (currently working on Al'ar), there are more players who are geared for heroics. The first day I was guilded, we went through 4 Heroics!

So, my badge count has gone through the roof, and my need to turn to the LFG line has toned way down. Most of the time I don't even have to look around for a party, because the limited times I'm available to run something, there's a guild group forming, and they love my Magely skills! It's awesome.

And as a bonus, because I had been raiding with these guys for nearly 2 months already, I only stayed as an %26#8220;initiate%26#8221; in the guild a couple of days - until I could get to the next 25-man raid at which point, at the end of another great raiding night, I was promoted to Member by the GM/RL and received many nice comments and welcomes from everyone present.

Oh, and I moved the Hunter across because our guild is actually LOW on quality Hunters - recruits with attitudes as big as their DPS (and we all know some Hunters can dish out the major DPS) have come and gone, and a lot of our members are on casual raiding schedules, only making 1 or 2 on a week that they can actually make it to any. So, I brought my keyed-but-not-really-geared-for-Karazhan Hunter across and have been on 4 or so Karazhan runs so far, after the Mage is already locked out with a different group.

And the Priest, I moved mainly because she's now a 375 Jewelcrafter with a mess of rare gem cuts, and I felt the raiding guild environment could make better use of that Professional skill than a social/levelling guild with less than a handful of people who pay enough attention to their characters to even gem up.

What About The Old Guild?

One of my old guildmates applied to the same raiding guild I'm in, and was accepted, and he occasionally attends raids when his schedule permits, but I haven't had a real chance to talk to him lately since my gaming schedule has been strained for time.

As for the rest of the folks, I still have some of my characters in that guild, and since I log into my bank toon every day, I tend to still chat with the folks and see how they're doing. I've also continued to trade favors with friends from the old guild, running through their lowbies in exchange for BRD run-throughs for my 50s Priest and the occasional rest-bonus-burnoff run for my 30 Druid.

And of course, some of us hung out on Ventrilo while we played, and I still do that regularly.

Was The Move A Good One?

In short, yes it was definitely a good one. I was getting frustrated with having to turn to strangers in the LFG line all the time, and doing a /who [guildname] to find folks from that guild I had been raiding with for two months. My levelling guild was indeed just a social/levelling guild and had no aspirations towards organized recruitment or coordinated efforts except on rare occasions (ie: 1-3 guildie dungeon runs a week, most below Outland level), and I really did want to do more, experience more, challenge myself more.

Of course, I wouldn't have made the switch if this new guild didn't also show some very good qualities in terms of behavior during raids, dealing with mouthy players, having equipment requirements, encouraging each individual to do their best to help the team, scheduling raids on a website with sign-ups... all sorts of great things. Sure, there's some crap that goes on too, and it's clear the GM/RL is a key part to holding the guild together cohesively, but all in all, I've really enjoyed the environment and lucky been able to remain distant from any potential drama.

I am quite surprised I was able to find a cool raiding guild like this so soon... Before Christmas I went on a couple of Karazhan raids with an ex-guildie's raiding guild only to find that the ranged DPS tended to attack from up-close (and subsequently die a lot), that the Raid Leader swore in all-caps on the Raid line (I don't recall him freaking on Vent tho) when yet another wipe occurred, and that I was the top damage of all three mages despite only being at +450 frost damage and them being better-geared. When I wasn't re-invited to their raid groups, I wasn't disappointed. I kind of expected to run into more of those before I hit the guild I'm now raiding with!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Getting Past The Felwood Timbermaw In The Tunnels

One of the challenges a level 50 player will face is the journey they are encouraged to take from Felwood into Winterspring and Moonglade. I recently made the journey with both my Priest and my Rogue, and discovered something helpful!

About The Timbermaw And The Tunnels

Progressing through the tunnels that connect the zones of Felwood, Winterspring and Moonglade, players who haven't done the %26#8220;right quests%26#8221; in Felwood will find themselves attacked and killed over and over by Timbermaw Warders and the likes.

If you make a wrong turn and go to Moonglade when you meant to hit Winterspring, that usually means more deaths and more running back to retrieve your corpse and continue the run a little further. And if you decide to kill those Timbermaw in the tunnel, you're making life more difficult for yourself because these are no standard mob - they're Timbermaw and they have reputation associated with them.

Rep Rewards For Timbermaw

There are reputation rewards if you do enough of the right quests, but that's not what this entry is about. Check out WoWWiki for rep reward information.

Running From Felwood To Winterspring Or Moonglade

I remember this %26#8220;death relay%26#8221; being almost a ritualistic rite of passage in my levelling guild before the expansion hit. That memory combined with my not wanting to put any efforts into ANY quests in Felwood on my way through to Moonglade to turn in a Maraudon quest, my Priest died three times on the way through recently, fearing and bubbling the whole way.

Dancing With The Timbermaw / Felwood Tunnels

When I went to bring my Rogue to Winterspring, I discovered that there's a simple solution to the problem with the Timbermaws - complete one quest and your reputation will move to %26#8220;Unfriendly%26#8221;, at which point they'll ignore you completely when you run past them in the tunnels!

The Quest: Deadwood Of The North

Nafien in Felwood

Nafien is where this quest begins. I'm too lazy to go out and find the coordinates of this guy, so instead I've added a map from that marks where he is.

The quest itself is a standard %26#8220;mob grinding%26#8221; quest that requires you to kill a certain number of X mob, Y mob and Z mob before returning to the quest-giver to receive your reward or the quest for the next stage of the chain. The mobs can be found immediately to the west of where Nafien is found - I generally jump off the cliff beside Nafien and start into the Deadwoods from there.

Once you turn in the completed quest, you'll be elevated to %26#8220;Unfriendly with Timbermaw Hold%26#8221; and can run freely through the tunnels, dancing and mocking any Timbermaw you see!

(If you're a miner, there are a couple of spawn points around this quest area... and of course, Felwood is excellent for Herbalism practitioners.)

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

Tags: Herbalism

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Things That I Find Entertaining

I've been doing a bunch of AFKing on World of Warcraft lately, while I work in another window typing something out or editting some video or still frame I had recently taken...

While I've been doing my thing in the other window, occasionally interesting things happen in WoW and I come back to it on my screen in time to take a screenshot.

Entertaining Photo #1: What Does AFK Mean To You?

What Does AFK Mean To You?

Don't even ask me about the character name I chose here... I just needed to log in and watch the Video Compressing window do its thing before I closed out of WoW to do editting on yet another video.

So, I logged in a brand new character and moved it away from the starting spot and then proceeded to AFK. I guess to this guy, AFK just means %26#8220;don't just duel, send an invite, too%26#8221;.

Entertaining Photo #2: Quick Shutdown After Restart

I do find it entertaining that even though there isn't a patch/code update that we players have to download, there are times when extra shutdowns/restarts are needed after the Maintenance day, in order for everything to get back to running smoothly again.

Quick Shutdowns Sometimes Inevitable

Is it the sudden onslaught of pressure on the various servers as everyone re-logs in and stresses a lot of the same systems what's causing it? (authentication is the first to mind, but once I'm already logged in, those problems cannot be seen by me anymore)

At any rate, sometimes Admins starting shutdowns can't give you the full 15 minutes warning they'd like to before it goes down, and this past Tuesday was one of those days on Zul'jin.

Entertaining Photo #3: Ursius The Evasive

Ursius sought me out while I sat, AFK, on my Frostwolf Howler mount after I had taken some winter-scene pictures that I ended up not even using in my wee video about the Frostwolf Howler and where to find its vendor in the Alterac Mountains.

Killing Ursius In Winterspring

Ursius, the named bear in Winterspring, just HAPPENED to stumble across me when I AFK'd on a hill still within sight of the town of Everlook.

Ursius, who I hunted and hunted and hunted for, using Beast tracking even, to help my friend take him down for that stupid Winterspring quest.

Ursius, who we NEVER FOUND when we were actively tracking and exploring for him.

I find such ironicisms highly entertaining.

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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What?s The Longest Corpse Run Back?

So, the other day a friend and I exchanged dungeon runs. I took his little Rogue through a few arms of Scarlet Monestary and he took me and another of his friends through part of Blackrock Depths.

At level 53 and 50 respectively between myself and the other friend receiving benefit from the dungeon run exchange, we didn't do much but stand back for the most part, although for most of the grouped battles, I put a few heals out on my friend and his pet and had to fade and shield a few times.

I was fine with the healing as long as I waited long enough from the start of the fight to send my first heal out, but on occasion I would send that first big heal out too soon and no amount of fading or running towards the pet %26#8220;tank%26#8221; could save me.

Is The Run To Blackrock Mountain/Depths The Longest Graveyard Run?

Faced with the run back, I had a lot of time to contemplate corpse retrieval runs I've done to various instances over the past few months. Now that there's a new graveyard super-close to Razorfen Kraul and Razorfen Downs, is the graveyard run to Blackrock Mountain (which houses Blackrock Depths, Blackrock Spire and Molten Core) the longest corpse run in the game?

WTB a shorter corpse run back to BRD...

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Ode To Blackrock Depths

Well, I'm sure this won't be a proper %26#8220;Ode%26#8221; since I'm not sure what that would be. In my world, it's just about giving reverence to something that has influenced you in some way.

Heading into Blackrock Mountain - Blackrock Depths

Blackrock Depths is a HUGE instance that, before the expansion pack hit with its extra 10 levels and huge improvements on gear, was a %26#8220;player barrier%26#8221; for me in my leveling guild. The difference between taking a group into Sunken Temple and into Blackrock Depths was quite noticable, to the point where I actually had to think about a little bit of class balance when forming groups to go in.

It made sense, however, because Blackrock Depths and the whole Blackrock Mountains instancing areas were End Game raiding zones or preparation for End Game raiding, and there had to be SOME kind of transition between easy-to-zerg dungeons and the ones that required 10+ people to tackle.

Interesting Graphics in Blackrock Mountains

These days, however, BRD isn't near the challenge it was. Between improvements to the strength of equipment and the nerfing of the difficulty of the dungeons and bosses, players can be much lower level and survive in BRD where before the small guy would have caused a wipe of the entire party (at least in the guild I was in) prior to expansion.

Quick Way Down the Chain To BRD

But, it's still a great dungeon for getting experience through mob murdering and quest turn-ins, along with upgrading gear for your 50s characters so they can be dressed in pretty blues and occasional purples before they hit the Outland where a lot of greens are huge upgrades over those dungeon blues and purples.

But with how much easier Blackrock Depths is than it used to be, it makes me wonder - what level should I start considering taking my healer into the old 60s dungeons of Dire Maul, Lower Blackrock Spire, Strat and Scholo?

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

Tags: Leveling

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Where To Get: Eye Of The Sea


Check out what I got this morning as a reward for doing the daily fishing quest:

Eye of the Sea - Gem from Daily Fishing Quest

Eye of the Sea - +15 stamina, unique-equipped, Bind on Equip - this thing should be able to be sold on the Auction House!

The closest gem in the AH right now is a rare/blue gem with +12 stamina, and this Fishing Daily quest reward gem is the same as one of the epic/purple gems from the challenging 10-man raid instance Zul'Aman!

I can't even find information on about the value of this gem yet, it's so brand-spanking new.

I wonder if I'll ever get that same reward on the same toon for the fishing daily, or if it's a %26#8220;get it once, that's it bud!%26#8221; setup?

I'll be sure to let you know!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Farming Sporeggar Rep For Alchemy Transmute Recipe

One thing my Mage does every day that I can get online is check cooldowns on the various transmutes I'm capable of doing:

  • Can I Make Shadowcloth?

  • Can I Make Spellcloth?

  • How About Primal Mooncloth?

  • What Alchemy Transmute Shall I Do Today?

As a Shadowcloth spec'd tailor, I get 2 Shadowcloth every 4 days, but only 1 of the Spellcloth and Mooncloth. I've pondered looking for a Spellcloth/Mooncloth spec'd tailor to tip in order to get 2 cloth for my mats, but I haven't yet run across anyone I could make an ongoing deal with and decided not to waste my time advertising on the Trade line since I don't hang out in cities very often.

Instead, I decided to use my cooldowns whenever they come up, whether I'm specialized or not. I then collect the cloths created and do occasional trades with guildmates who are gearing up, generally trading materials for cloth and thus stocking myself up for more transmutes over the following weeks.

Alchemy As A Route To Materials

I use my Alchemy Primal transmutes every day, generally changing Primal Water into Primal Air, or Primal Air into Primal Fire, keeping the Primal Fires stocked for the two different tailoring cloths I transmute every four days. Since I'm a Transmute Spec'd Alchemist, sometimes, on a rare occasion, I get extra Primals from my transmutes, but it's not very often.

In terms of extra transmutes thanks to my specialization, the best I've gotten was when one Primal Air turned into FIVE Primal Fire. I liked that one, but haven't seen a repeat that nice.

Transmutes For Primal Earth

Primal Earth, at least on my server, is one of the most low-value Primals around. Cheap cheap cheap to buy compared to other primals like Air, Water, and Fire.

But, in all of my Transmute discoveries, I haven't discovered any useful transmute for using up Primal Earth (and sorry, Earth to Life doesn't cut it), so I finally turned to WoWWiki and looked up their list of all the Transmutes available, and found this one:

Recipe: Transmute Primal Earth to Water

Niiice transmute! Primal Earth is very cheap on my server, whereas Primal Water is a decent mid-range primal. Sure, I'd love to have Earth to Fire, but that's just a dream...

Bog Lord For Sporeggar Reputation

At any rate, turns out it's a reputation reward for attaining Revered with the Sporeggar faction. When I looked at my reputation chart, I was barely into Friendly. Blarg. So, I headed to Zangarmarsh to grind on some Bog Lords.

Bog Lords, Friendly To Honored

I'm not much of a reputation-mob grinder, I get bored quickly, so it took me 3-4 sessions of clearing out the Bog Lords to get from Friendly to Honored, probably playing about 20 minutes each time over a day or two. I kept reminding myself that the Bog Lord Tendril and Unidentified Plant Parts were turn-ins I'd be able to use with up-and-coming toons for their own Sporeggar and Cenarion Expedition rep, but that would only hold me for so long.

Sanguine Hibiscus, Honored to Revered

After deciding I'd rather leverage my money than my time, I went to the Auction House and kept an eye out for Sanguine Hibiscus that were listed at a reasonable price (which looks to be around 1g each and below at this moment, but I didn't write it down at the time).

I lucked into a stack of 250 that was up for 300g and despite it being on the expensive side, the fact that I could turn them all in and get from Honored to Revered right away was worth it to me. I believe that buying out annoyance via small sales efforts every day (to keep the cash flowing) is well worth the cost when I do it.

And there we are, Revered with Sporeggar and after flitting around on my mount for a while in Zangarmarsh, I had the 25 Glowcap I needed in order to buy the Transmute recipe.

Recipe: Transmute Primal Earth to Water - what a great addition to my repertoire!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

Tags: Alchemy, Tail

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Weird Terrain Glitch in Tempest Keep Raid

Life's busy these days but whenever I have a free evening that coincides with a raid night within my guild, I sign up and bring along my extensive collection of consumables and a great attitude about doing my best no matter how many times we die or whether there's a chance of a gear upgrade on my part. My joy is not in progression, exactly, but in being able to do something cool when I actually have the time to go.

Terrain Glitch in Tempest Keep

In my guild that regularly fields 25-man raids in an evening, or breaks down into occasional multiple 10-man raids for badge runs on less-populated nights, we're currently working on the boss %26#8220;Al'ar%26#8221; when it comes to Tempest Keep. Of course, we've already downed Void Reaver multiple times as well, but recent raids had us putting up attempts on Al'ar and learning new strategies to beat her.

Terrain Glitch in Tempest Keep

In heading through the hallway which leads to Al'ar, there are some difficult pulls with Tempest Falconer humanoids and their swarms of Phoenix-Hawk Hatchling flying beasts... the beasts interrupt spells with a strong knock-back effect and are a major pain in the butt for a Mage who is trying to cast a channeled AOE spell to burn (or freeze, in my case) the flying beasties down.

I don't recall if this happened before, but this recent run I noticed that the knock-back effect was blasting me up onto the walls, and I believe after I got blasted up high enough, I was out of the range of the AOE knock-back effect and could Blizzard away quite freely.

Terrain Glitch in Tempest Keep

Unfortunately, between pulls I was to exit the hallway to let the tanks get aggro on the swarms before I joined in, and therefore I didn't stay up on the wall to test my theory about being out of range of the knock-backs.

Does anyone know?

And hey, I finally figured out how to highlight a certain portion of my pictures in a useful way - go me who isn't used to Photoshop at all... ;)

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Kite Commanders in Alterac Valley Alliance Warcraft for mac


This exploit will allow you to run the Commanders, two level 61 elites (one at the Iceblood Tower, one at Tower Point), Located at the top of each tower, around in circles for a good amount of time while a friend taps the tower, possibly until all five minutes needed for the towers to burn pass. To do this for a long time, you need to be a caster or a Hunter鈥︹€?

(Download the .pdf file below to read the entire guide and view the images)

Tags: Gold

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Back From The Raiding Guild

I took a bit of a hiatus from the more casual style of play in February, when I left my social levelling guild and joined a 25-man raiding guild for a while.

In that time I got to experience the joy and sorrows that are part of taking on content with that number of people, and it was interesting.

But, it took too much time commitment and was causing stress in the rest of my life because really, I've got other things to do with my committed time, and I quite enjoy being a casual player of World of Warcraft. There's enough content to keep me amused that I don't need to raid 2-4 times a week.

So now I'm out of that raiding guild, and I actually created a guild just for my own characters and even bought and set up a couple of tabs in the guild bank for the organization and maintenance of shared resources. Yay for another way to keep my playing toons' inventories as clear as possible for collecting more LOOT to make more money with!

Benefits Of My Own Guild

When some people think about the benefits of a guild and being in one, they probably think quite differently than me right now.

My benefits are this:

  • Silent guild line. In this case, Silence Is Golden

  • Shared bank space in the form of a Guild Bank

  • A Guild Tag under my name - look less like a gold farmer

The main reason I created my own guild instead of joining someone else's should be clear from the name of the guild itself: %26#8220;Silence Is Golden%26#8221;. The raiding guild had a lot of members, which translated to a lot of spammy conversation that was hard to sift through on the guild line. I'm happy to have a silent guild line.

A second reason I created my own guild is that I already have a handful of friends on the realm with whom I hang out with nightly on Vent (voice chat), and another handful from my brief raiding guild experience as well, so I'm not looking for new buddies to play with. Plus, I'm very comfortable with joining Pick-Up Groups for my dungeon and gearing needs, nevermind using the Trade channel to find a crafter who can take my materials and my tip and craft me whatever it is I require.

The Guild Bank is probably what's going to keep me in this %26#8220;guild of one%26#8221;, too - how nice it is to slap all of the commonly-used elements into a bank tab and save up space for my playing toons! Right now I'm using Tab #1 as my %26#8220;sell this junk please%26#8221; tab, and Tab #2 is shared stuff between my toons - cooking quest mats, potions and elixirs, cloth, buff foods and the likes.

Back To Levelling

One of my goals to reach before the Expansion comes out is to have three or even four level 70 characters to head into the new lands with in order to join the new PUGs.

I've already got my 70 Hunter and 70 Mage, so now I'm working on my 63 Priest for the most part, with my 62 Rogue getting attention on occasion as well. The Priest is a healer, and I've already got 2 DPS at 70 so I'm pushing her through more quickly than the Rogue by sheer attention.

I've also got a wee Druid back in Azeroth that I might spend some time burning off rest bonus on now that I don't have my evenings scheduled for me when I *do* get a chance to play.

So, in conclusion, Raiding is a fun part of the game, but I'm glad to be out of it and its expectation of loyalty and commitment, and glad to be back in putzing around in the game and feeling freer to write about my experiences because those I write about will likely never read my blog or at least never know it's me or who I'm really talking about.

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit the original website for more great writings on World of Warcraft.

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Are You In A Guild Of One?

I'm in a Guild of One, and I'm wondering how many more there are out there who are like me.

If you used to be in a Guild of One but went back into a more social guild environment, how long did you stay in your Guild of One?

About My Guild Of One

After I left the raiding guild I got into back in February, I wandered around guildless for a little while but started to notice that guilded players were, on occasion, behaving oddly towards me as I did some fishing and questing in Zangarmarsh.

I started to wonder if, perhaps, these individuals were thinking that I was a Gold Farmer, and they were attempting to grief me as I played.

What type of griefing? Well, in less than two days of playing unguilded, I saw no less than four attempts to %26#8220;train%26#8221; a bunch of mobs onto me.

If you're not familiar with the term, it's the name given to the process of gathering up the aggro of a bunch of mobs and then running out of their battle range in such a way that when they go to run back to their reset spots, they run past a target player in battle. If done correctly, the mobs running back to reset will join into the battle with the target player. If the target player isn't paying attention or is actually a bot with very little human guidance, this strategy can be used to kill a target player, whether they're Alliance or Horde.

So, since I was dual-boxing and dragging my low-60s healing-spec'd Priest through her Zangarmarsh quests by my 70 Hunter with a lot more firepower, I figured the least I could do to avoid being griefed while I quest on my own would be to have a guild tag.

But I have non-social goals in World of Warcraft right now - wanting to do more video recording and video editting and PUGs with strangers... all things that will result in more writing in this blog, and more regular socializing out-of-game than in-game. And I don't want to offend anyone with my lack of conversation in-game, which means to me I shouldn't put myself into a social guild environment.

%26#8220;Silence Is Golden%26#8221; is born

The decision was made, and a guild name of Silence is Golden was selected. I picked up a Guild Charter in Orgrimmar and headed to the Auction House to buy some supplies.

10 minutes later, I rode into the Valley of Trials on my Black War Kodo, and my bags full of ... more bags.

I advertised on the General line in Durotar that I was looking to buy Guild Charter signatures, and I offered 1g + a 10 slot bag in return for the signatures.

It took less than an hour to get all the signatures I needed, and the guild was formed in Orgrimmar to complete the cycle of creation.

Thank You, *boot*

I then headed to the mailbox and sent messages to each of the charter signers, thanking them for signing the charter, and letting them know the guild is not meant to be a %26#8220;real guild%26#8221;, and therefore that I wish them luck in their adventures on this realm.

I attached another two 10 slot bags or a couple of pieces of green equipment to each thank-you letter, and sent another 5g to each of them as well.

Then, when everyone was logged out the next morning when I logged in, I removed all but my own toons.

Benefits Of My Own Guild

If you're feeling more social in-game than I am right now, you'd probably be wondering what benefits there are, other than having a guild tag, to belonging to a guild that is shared with nobody else on the game.

  • First, there's that Gold Farmer issue - guildless players are viewed with more suspicion than guilded ones. Even though my guild name isn't well known, the fact that I'm able to %26#8220;get into a guild%26#8221; (ha ha) seems to speak something on its own. The fact that other players won't have had a poor experience with someone in my guild already will also give me more credibility for an odd reason.

  • Second, there's the Guild Bank. A central place to store items shared by my toons - potions, elixirs, raw materials for professions and the likes - and an easy way to track Auction House profits and repair expenses on a regular basis. Plus, since I have two WoW accounts, I can use the Guild Bank to get past the one-hour mailing delay of items, yet still don't have to dual-box to trade.

Not a whole lot of benefits, but since my play time is not going to be social time for the most part for the next little while, this serves me well.

Expect to see a whole whack of videos coming out soon!

I'm also looking at getting a more professional WordPress theme developed for this site and I need to clean up the categories and tags, so stay tuned for updates over the next few weeks.

Tags: warcraft, guild, bank,, how, to, create, a, guild,, how, to, set, up, a, guild, bank,, creating, a, guild,, guild, of, one,, world, of, warcraft,, tips, and, tricks,, wowgrrl

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I wasn't Mage Tank in this video, but I'm sure I'll have more footage in the future where I'm doing that job.
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Get to West Dun Morogh Cheat World of Warcraft demo

Ill start off by saying this is sorta difficult, takes me a few tries because i have no real science to it, its just jumping and getting lucky, but you sorta get a feel for it after you do it 1 or two times.. Also I have only made the jumps with 50% (Wisp, I died because I feel off a cliff T_T) and 100% (my epic mount). Again I fail at life and have no fraps =(.

First off you wanna start out here. Its just north of the lake and has two trees by it, you can tell you can go up aways because of the snow; youll also notice the dirt marks, which ill show in Pic 2.

IPB Image

You can start from here, Ive had better luck here than starting further up and trying to jump down. The Goal here is to pretty much jump from where im standing, and keep hitting jump, across this area. The [X] is sorta an invisable wall that will stop, so you wanna try to aim over that a bit.

So, You jump, keep spamming jump and trying to run up mountain, and you should catch the edge of the hill around the [X]. After this youre pretty much home free, just climb the mountain and explore.

IPB Image

It can get pretty bright around this area for some reason, so bring sunglasses Its just a little area of nothing, can run around a bit; but if you go right and try to go down where I dont have the exit sign, you can fall to your death (how I found out wisp will get here there lol T_T )

IPB Image

Pretty much an empty barren land like most areas you shouldnt be. Cool non the less just to say youve been there.

IPB Image

And you can explore this entire area of the map. I know Ive been curious what was over here forever, until I got bored and started to explore.

IPB Image

It usally takes me a few tries to make it up there since its just me pretty much jumping across the ledge area, but works. If you are having trouble you can try to climb the mountain a little higher and the jump from where you cant run up anymore. Also from Pic 2, trying backing up just a bit further or move up a bit, you just have to get lucky where you land for the 2nd jump.

bg grinding for xp & pvp ranks Warcraft macro

Ok after making Instances for XP, I decided that I should make another way to lvl up alternate to questing/grinding. Now many people will say this is common knowledge but this way it really is!

The basic idea here is to start going to BG at 11%26#8211;

Get in queue for any BG you want.

Go out and just grind, eventually you will be accepted into the BG you got in queue for

Kill, Kill, Kill in the BG

Now when it is over enter queue again

Go out and grind again while you wait

This is an ongoing cycle

So what just happened? Well basically you're getting fast steady xp by grinding and scattered in there is a number of BGs, Xp %26amp; Honor all in one! If you level up this way you can also save up the winning marks (and losing ones now) and turn them in to a battlemaster with the quest for them, getting extra xp and honor, rep.

By level 40 or so you will already be heavy into the PVP ranks, and you can easily purchase the PVP rewards when you get in your 50s.

This is not the fastest way to level by far, although the combination of turning in marks of winning or losing, grinding, soaring through the ranks, and getting tons of rep make this a nice little strat.

Change to Human Female World of Warcraft europe

Things needed to do this:
Noggenfogger Elixir (Make sure you have several of these)
Savory Deviate Delight
Must use a Level 35 (or higher) Male Character

Drink Noggenfogger until you're a skeleton.
Once you're a skeleton eat the Savory Deviate Delight.
You have to be either a pirate or a ninja.
Get rid of (right click) your Noggenfogger buff.
You're now a female ninja or pirate until you die or the buff runs out.

Gold Making Guide using Gathering WoW release date

This is a pretty sweet gold guide, but everyone knows not to craft early, this is just a little more detailed.
In this game there are serveral ways to make money, I would like to introduce a few of them in this guide.

Step 1 - Change from Crafter to Gatherer

Change your tradeskill into two gathering skills if you see that your tradeskill doesn't bring much profit, in fact
tradeskills mostly bring very few profit because there is just too many high level crafters with the time progressing.
Leveling tradeskills or gathering skills in this game is really not hard, at high level it requires maybe 2-3 days of work to max a skill. If there was really some big profit to make with enchanting/leatherworking/smithing/tailoring, don't you think that other people who can spend more time than you online each day, would have already long ago maxed those tradeskills and started to flood the market with items?

In fact they did; actually shortly after people start to hit 60 on a new server people start to exploit all possible ways to make money to the maximum, so you got two possibilities to make money. You can find a niche, a little secret way of making money, which is extremely profitable but which is not known (well) by other players. As long as your secret stays one, you will continue to make nice money, but be sure that you wont find such a secret on any public forums as spoiling it would also ruin the profit from it. (As soon as people know a way to make money, many start to provide the same sort of item and flood the market with it = decrease of demand = decrease of price = no profit for you)
The second way, which is the interesting way for us, is to provide the market with items that are needed on a large base and that are always demanded. What are those items in general? Right! Ingredients for tradeskills.

Step 2 - Choose your Gathering Skill

Almost every tradeskiller wont, at some point, be able to provide himself with all the ingredients he needs. The more people there are who stick to their tradeskills and don't want to give them up, the better the profit will be for you. This is why you should choose two gathering skills (cannot choose more than two).
People will ask themselves now... but wait, if I give up my tradeskill I won't be able to make myself armor anymore? For that problem there is a simple solution, use mostly drop/quest items. If you use items that drop instead of crafted items, you wont be much behind (difference between items you can make and items you find at your level while questing and hunting are mostly very small) and also you will be able to concentrate fully on gathering ingredients which you will sell on the AH. This way you will - in a short and fast way - make a lot more money than any crafter and will eventually be able to buy yourself any crafted item (if you
should really want one).

Now there is only one problem, which gathering skills to choose?
Well this is really your choice and depends on the economy of your server, but I will try to make a general list of the gathering skills, ranking them by how much profit they generate, helping you to get an overview.

1) Mining - Mining is maybe the most profitable gathering skill. Why? It's used for 3 different tradeskills =%26gt; Weapon/Armor Smithing + Engineering. Also some ores/metal bars are used for potions and other tradeskills. You can mine several ores from one
mining spot and you can melt the ore yourself to bars.
The other VERY important fact is that you get rare gems from mining spots which are needed for tradeskills and other things. At high levels these rare gems start to pay off a lot, as one arcane crystal for example can be sold for a lot of money on the AH, because it is needed for making Arcanite Bars the most precious and rare metal there is.

2) Skinning - Skinning is also a very profitable gathering skill as you get all your leather while hunting. You have to kill beast type of mobs which can drop different sorts of leather. Sometimes you get rare scales and quest items which are also extremely precious. Skinning is so profitable because you can do it while killing mobs, that means you go into a cave with beasts and kill them for a certain among of time which brings you extra loot + exp as well as loads of leather.

3) Herbalism - Herbs are a bit hard to find, but if you know the spots it becomes actually easy if you have no competition. Herbs sell surprisingly well on the AH and are not offered often. If you really search good spots in high level zones, with not too many people you can make nice money out of this. Especially because you can get up to three herbs from one plant.

4) (Dis)Enchanting - I have played wow for 2 1/2 yrs now and that skill so far for me is the BEST cash maker...there are TONS of players enchanting but I got the skill to disenchant for mats to sell in the AH. First there is no money down to post them in the AH+. You can get items to disenchant from ANYWHERE. Then you solo ins where you pick up BOP items. You can use them so Dischant them for sweet mats. Post them in the ah when you have 20 of the mat you are looking for.I send all the items I dont want to my level one char to sell in the AH and I only sell Greens lvl 7-9 this means 17,18,19,27,28,29 there are so manny ppl trying to tweek out a char that this is great cash. But then what do I do with the lower lvl ones.I dischant them for the mats. Then sell the mats in the AH. I belive that this is a GREAT cash maker.

Step 3 - Organised Gathering

Now you need to start gathering items. It doesn't matter if you raise your gathering skills while leveling or as a high level, you will always want to keep these things in min:

Ingredients drop according to zone level. That means, the higher the level of the ingredients you need, the higher level the zone gets in which you have to search.
Always keep up your tracking. If you do mining or herbalism, make sure to ALWAYS have the tracking for those items switched on,
after dying for example it turnes itself off and you wont see any yellow dots anymore on the map.
Find the good zones. There is certainly better zones than others for gathering skills and good spots for finding beasts to skin, you will have to find your very own favorite spots which are not too crowded, but there are already people who found out about the good zones for gathering. On our forums here you can find a complete compendium of the best zones for each herb for example and there is more to come about this shortly. In the meantime you don't have to go and search through all zones, you can simply use and check where the ingredient you need can be found most frequently.
Make dots on your map. Either use the dot system (from cosmos or insomniax) for making dots where you find certain minings spots/herb locations, or use a mod that will do this for you automatically; you can find one in our download section.
This will allow you to go directly - without losing time - to the possible spots for ingredients and check if they are up. The longer you do this and the more different paths you take through a zone, the more dots you will get and the faster/more efficient you will become while gathering.
For skinning its slightly different; here you will most likely find caves with a lot of beasts (like the ape cave in Un'Goro or the Yeti cave in Winterspring), but make dots anyway so you can quickly go to another skinning spot if there is already someone hunting at yours.
Step 4 - Use all Your Options

You will have to combine your gathering skills with a few other things to really make the biggest profit.

While searching ingredients or while waiting on the respawn of your mining/herb spots, KILL THINGS. Kill things as much as you can on your way. Don't kill any trash like Oozes for example, but kill stuff that drops cloths (humanoid mobs) or mobs that drop other useful stuff.
If you really don't get the time to kill mobs on your way then go into instances from time to time. Make sure to find a rule for the loot that is distributed and make sure to always ask if anyone needs an item, if not everyone should roll on this dropped item.. Eventually you will win stuff and be able to sell in on the AH.
Additionally, in instances you will find a lot of cloths from mobs which you can sell in stacks on the AH.
Always empty your bags before going to gather stuff or before going to an instance. This is extremely important, bag space = money. Therefore try to invest early in 14-16 slot bags to carry as much loot as possible.
When you do quests, and when you don't need any of the items that are offered as reward, make SURE to always pick the biggest Axe/Sword/Plate Armor. Those sell for a much nicer money than cloth items at the merchant.
Friends who do tradeskills can help. If you got friends who do tradeskills PROFIT from their knowledge and ask them about how the economy goes for ingredients, what do they need the most right now, what is the hardest item to find currently etc.
Make Mules. If you lack bank space don't buy pricy bank slots, just make a mule and log it in when needed, using the postbox system or a friend or a second computer (if mule is on second account) to transfer items.
Step 5 - Auction House is Your Friend

Now we get to one of the most important factors for money making, the Auction House in short AH. Almost all ingredients/gems/armor pieces can be sold for a bigger money at the AH than to the merchant. Even if the price difference is only 1 gold, it pays off with the time coming. And there we already get to the most important rule about the AH - PATIENCE.
You will have to get to know the AH, it's prices and it's moods, it's times and it's secrets. Don't mind studying the AH for a lot of time, it's well worth it. There are UI mod's that write down automatically on item windows the prices that they were seen for last time on AH, this makes your work much much easier.
A few things that you need to work out about the AH:

Get to know the prices, play with the prices. Get to know the going prices for items that are offered on the AH. This will allow you to estimate the best prices for your own items and will allow you to even play with these. This means, if you know exactly how much an item is worth normally, why not offer it for a slightly higher price when there is noone else offering the same item?
Right, this is where the actual profit comes from, knowledge about prices and the AH.
Offer all your items. Even if it might be a bother at the beginning and even if it might take a while, you will get used to it and find out eventually which items sell on the AH at all and which not, allowing you to sell the ones that don't sell well at all to the merchant immediately.
You will pretty quickly get the drill and become a pro, you will be able to memorize prices and use them quickly to set values for your goods in order to move on faster to more farming.
Watch the AH. This will allow you to detect certain leaks and holes. Sometimes items like ores are offered in a huge amount and prices drop, you might want to keep your items and sell other things first while waiting for a moment when there is less of these items for sale.
You might EVEN consider (if you find cheap merchandise on the AH) to buy up all of it yourself and sell it for a higher price afterwards, people will be forced to buy from you and forced to pay the price you set because there wont be any other source for this item, than yours.
Whatever you do, DON'T UNDERBID. People tend to make the prices for items lower in order to sell them faster and to underbid competitors, this however is very narrowminded. It will hurt you in the end and cause you to have to sell your items cheaper and cheaper, getting less and less money in the long run.
Look at this example: Mostly tradeskillers start off selling crafted items for a big profit, then when competition comes they have to lower the prices and at the end they end up selling their stuff for slightly more than what it cost to make it.
So if you can prevent a price decrease, rather be patient and leave your items at the same price, eventually they will get bought, even if it takes several tries.
Look at what times items sell the best. This sounds easy but it's actually something you always have to keep in mind.
If, for example, you hunt in an instance and get a blue item, you will want to put it on the AH fast. But lets assume that you are playing at a very late time, like 3 am. If you put the auction for your blue item now with a 24h duration, the auction will expire at 3 am the next night, not leaving many people the chance to overbid each other at the end. (most bids are made at the last moments) So always look what is the best, 8h duration or 24h, always check if you shouldnt maybe wait for the next day rather to offer your item for sale, etc...
Always put up buyout prices. Never make auctions for items without having a buyout price. Many people who want to raise crafting or want an armor piece fast don't want to wait 1 day in order to know if they won an auction or not. This is especially true for crafting ingredients. Imagine you are a crafter, would you want to bid on one stack of mithril bars and then wait like 1 day just to know if you won, although you need the bars now? Most likely you wouldn't, so always put a buyout. Also there are many people who have a lot of money and really want an armor piece, those will gladly pay the buyout price if they really desire what you sell and if your buyout price is not way too high.
Last point is.. what to put as buyout and what to put as base bid? This is something you will have to find out yourself but a general rule that you can apply at the beginning is, don't ever go lower than the default base price that is given to you as starting bid. Also if you are not sure what to put as buyout, look at other auctions selling the same item, if there is none, put the double of the base price (+ a bit more maybe) until you get to know the economy. But beware, this is only a vague rule for beginners, getting to know the prices of your AH is OBLIGATO